Images from
futiristic movie "Frau im
Mond," directed by Fritz
Lange, 1929. Click on
thumbnail to enlarge.
In 1929 Rudolf Nebel joined the VfR
society at the urging of Willy Ley. Nebel
had been involved with Oberth on an
earlier failed project, and since that
time, he and Oberth had been on bad terms.
There were some tense moments at the next
few club meetings as the two men offered
differing opinions on how to go forward
with the development of a liquid-fuel
rocket. Nebel was not a scientist, but he
brought a practical engineering viewpoint
to the rocketry discussions of the VfR.
Believing it best to begin with the
basics, he proposed a small liquid-rocket
design. The proposal was accepted by the
membership with the exception of Oberth,
who felt the design too faint.
Nevertheless, work moved forward on the
project called Mirak. The society
was at first very excited to seek
publicity for their upcoming Mirak engine
tests. However, that summer, after the
tragic death of Max Valier, public opinion
concerning rocketry changed somewhat, and
the group decided to conduct their trials
in private. Nebel and Klaus Riedel moved
to a farm in Saxony, away from view, to
conduct the rocket tests. Reports
detailing the test results were published
and distributed to the VfR membership.
Society members waited anxiously for word
of the next successful firing or
unexpected explosion.
By this
time, it was plainly obvious that
the VfR needed a better location
to conduct their experiments. The
not-so-rural open field they had
been using at Bernstadt suddenly
seemed inadequate. It was in late
1930 when the society happened
upon a deal they could not pass
up. In the northern Berlin suburb
of Reinickendorf, Nebel located an
abandoned ammunition storage
complex, four square kilometers in
size, complete with roads and
buildings. The society was able to
rent the complex from the
municipality of Berlin for the
modest sum of ten reichsmarks
annually. The VfR’s
Raketenflugplatz (rocket airport)
was opened on September 27, 1930.
By March of the following year,
the site was ready for operation.
Many improvements had been made to
the facility along with the
construction of a basic test stand
for static firings.
In May of
1931 Klaus Riedel designed a new
rocket, the Mirak II or Repulsor
series, using the thrust chamber
developed for the Mirak, fed by
two long tanks containing liquid
oxygen and gasoline, which would
form guiding sticks for the
forward-mounted engine. Test
results were so encouraging that
some in the group were talking
about the possibility of
actually launching a version of
their new one-stick Repulsor
rockets. On May 10, 1931, Riedel
was alone at the
Raketenflugplatz running tests
on the flying variant of the
design, when suddenly, to his
surprise, the rocket lifted
slowly and rose to about 18
meters. Then the motor shut off,
and it fell to the ground,
damaging it slightly. The
Repulsor was repaired and on May
14, 1931, made its first
official flight.
The first year of experiments at
Reinickendorf saw a flurry of activity. On
the first anniversary of the
Raketenflugplatz, a newsreel company came
to film the launching of the one-stick
Repulsor with the latest motor design. The
rocket launch started out well but ended
in disaster. After climbing to over 4,000
feet, the parachute stripped from the
rocket upon deployment and the rocket fell
on top of a barn belonging to the local
police department, some 3,000 feet across
the road. Remaining hot fuel from the
motor ignited the roof, and there was a
small fire to deal with. It was shortly
thereafter that the local police chief
banned all rocket flights going forward.
However, by the middle of October Nebel
had convinced the authorities to let the
experiments continue under slightly
tighter safety regulations. Soon the
testing continued, and by the end of the
first year, the group had launched more
than 80 rockets and conducted over 250
static firings of varying motor designs.
Conspicuous at many of these tests was a
fair-haired youth who seemed to be in the
middle of every discussion.
Wernher Magnus Maximilian von Braun was
born to Baron Magnus von Braun and Emmy
von Quistorp on March 23, 1912, in
Wirsitz, a town in the eastern German
province of Posen. Wernher's father was a
wealthy farmer and a provincial councilor
and served as Minister for Agriculture
during the 1930s in President Hindenburg's
Weimar Republic. From childhood, Wernher
revealed an interest in both science and
music. At age 11 he enrolled in the
Französisches Gymnasium that had been
established two centuries earlier by
Fredrick the Great. There, the boy showed
only a modest ability in mathematics and
physics, subjects in which he would later
excel. In 1928 Wernher's father placed him
in the progressive Hermann Lietz schools.
Wernher's grades and abilities improved.
Oberth’s book captured the young boy's
attention. However, von Braun soon learned
that he would have to excel in mathematics
to even understand the concepts and
principles in the book. Even during these
younger years of his life, von Braun was
experimenting with rockets and propulsion.
Von Braun once strapped a cluster of solid
rocket motors to a wagon and shot it down
a crowded street. Many in the crowd were
not amused.
was ecstatic,” von Braun later recalled.
“The wagon was wholly out of control and
trailing a comet’s tail of fire, but my
rockets were performing beyond my wildest
dreams.” The fire-breathing wagon diverged
onto the Tiergarten Strasse, a very
crowded Berlin city street. An angry
police officer grabbed the young
rabble-rouser and threatened to arrest
him. “Fortunately, no one had been
injured, so I was released in charge of my
pivotal point occurred for the
then 18-year-old von Braun
when he entered the Technische
Hochschule in the Berlin
district of Charlottenburg.
While in Berlin, von Braun’s
interest in astronomy and
space travel continued to
grow. He had become acquainted
with Hermann Oberth, writer
and spaceflight promoter Willy
Ley, and rocket experimenters
Rudolf Nebel and Johannes
Winkler. He also followed the
solid-fuel exploits of Max
Valier. Von Braun quickly
joined the VfR and was soon
participating in rocket
experiments in Berlin.
was in Charlottenburg that von
Braun studied under Professor
Doktor Karl Emil Becker, a friend
of his father. Becker was also a
Lieutenant Colonel in the
Reichswehr (German Army). As head
of the Ballistics and Munitions
Branch of the Army Weapons
Department, Becker had long been
involved with research and
development of long-range
artillery. During the First World
War, he assisted in the creation
of the Paris Gun and believed
strongly in the importance of
innovative new weapons
forces deployed the Paris Gun
(German Kaiser Wilhelm Geschutz’
long-range gun) in the later
stages of WWI. It was commonly
called the Paris Gun because of
its use to bombard Paris from
March to August of 1918. The gun
was positioned on railway
mountings 77 miles from the city
of Paris. The 21-centimeter gun
was manufactured using
38-centimeter naval guns fitted
with special 40-meter-long
inserted barrels. The shells
weighed 265 pounds and were
fired by a 400-pound powder
charge, giving them a range of
up to 81 miles. The humongous
nature of such a weapon limited
its mobility and strategic
usefulness. Long-range artillery
guns soon reached the point of
being so massive that they were
becoming impractical.
Colonel Becker’s focus
included liquid-fueled rockets.
One year earlier, Becker had
hired a young German Army
Captain, fresh out of
Charlottenburg with a master’s
degree in mechanical
engineering, named Walter
Dornberger. Captain Dornberger
joined Becker’s assistant,
Captain Ritter von Horstig,
along with Captain Leo Zanssen
to form the nucleus of the
fledgling German Army Rocket

of the Verein für
Raumschiffahrt, circa
1930. Left to right:
Rudolf Nebel, Franz
Ritter, unknown, Kurt
Heinisch, unknown,
Hermann Oberth, unknown,
Klaus Riedel, Wernher
von Braun, unknown.
Beginning in 1930,
several members
conducted liquid-fuel
rocket experiments and
the society itself
founded the
(Rocketport) Berlin in
fall 1930. It survived
until the Nazi
government put it out of
business in 1934.
The Treaty of Versailles placed severe
restrictions on Germany’s military
strength. It limited the overall size of
the German Army along with the total
number and types of weapons it could
maintain.Preceding Hitler’s rise to power,
the German military tried to operate
within the framework of the restrictions,
taking advantage of any omissions
unforeseen after the end of WWI. This
fostered new research into innovative
weapons technologies such as rockets. The
advancements in amateur rocketry of the
1920s caught the eye of several key
individuals involved in German military
arms research. However, skirting the
Versailles Treaty was not the primary
reason for rocket research, especially
later on, after Hitler began violating its
terms incessantly. Rockets were seen as
potentially superior weapons to artillery,
having a longer range and greater
mobility. This was particularly true for
liquid-fuel rockets because they offered
much greater range with heavier payloads
than solid-fuel rocket motors.
The development of the rocket had its
roots in the enthusiastic amateur German
rocket societies, which cultivated
emerging specialists such as Wernher von
Braun; however, it was the German
military, using the emerging technology as
a weapon for war, which shaped the V-2.
The Ballistics and Munitions Branch was
solely interested in collecting real
scientific data on rocket propulsion.
Becker was not opposed to providing
funding to private individuals or
organizations if said individuals could
produce usable data. The problem was
usually that these groups drew a huge
amount of publicity, something the Army
wanted to avoid at all costs.
The VfR members may not have known it at
the time, but soon their existence would
come to an end. Late in 1931, one of the
society’s main financial backers withdrew
funding from the VfR. The coming winter
saw worsening economic conditions, which
also contributed to the slow dissolution
of the VfR membership. Increasingly,
members were saying that they could not
afford the club dues of eight marks. At
the beginning of 1932, membership dropped
to approximately 300. In desperation,
Rudolf Nebel wrote a report touting the
benefits of using long-range rockets as
artillery. A few days later, Becker, along
with Dornberger, traveled to the
Raketenflugplatz at Reinickendorf to
inspect the facilities. The rockets they
were shown seemed very small and
elementary. When Becker asked to be shown
collected data such as thrust curves, fuel
consumption, and internal temperatures,
none could be given. On April 23, 1932,
the Army visited the Raketenflugplatz
again and gave Nebel a small contract for
1,367 marks if he could build a rocket
that would successfully reach 3,000 meters
in altitude while ejecting a red flare to
be tracked with Army instruments.
The launch would take place on a date in
the near future to be specified by the
Wehrmacht (German Army) at Versuchsstelle
West (Experimental Station West), the new
Army proving grounds at Kummersdorf. The
Army facility at Kummersdorf could provide
the logistics and security they needed.
The necessary funds were procured through
the Army Weapons Office, and in early 1931
work began at the Kummersdorf artillery
range. Soon a test stand for solid-fueled
rocket motors was erected, followed by
installation of the latest measuring
equipment that could be found.
It was a sunny July morning in 1932 when a
handful of VfR members, including von
Braun, loaded into their cars and drove
south out of Berlin. They arrived near
Kummersdorf, where they met Captain
Dornberger at a designated rendezvous
point. Dornberger led the group to an
isolated location on the artillery range.
The group was surprised to see numerous
scientific measuring instruments already
in place at the location, some of which
were unknown to the amateur rocketeers.
The VfR rocket was in place and fueled by
mid-afternoon. At ignition the rocket
vaulted a few hundred feet into the air,
then it abruptly veered horizontally as it
became unstable. It crashed nearby before
the parachute could deploy. Disgusted with
the pathetic spectacle, Becker refused to
pay Nebel the agreed-upon price, saying
the rocket’s performance in no way met the
requirements stipulated for the test. With
the establishment of Kummersdorf, the Army
now decided to cut all ties with Nebel and
the VfR.
amateur rocketry enthusiasts outside the
realm of the German military or German
companies, things were about to get tough.
The perceived need for utmost secrecy and
the desire to garner the most ingenious
minds for a new military weapon generated
a climate whereby any discussion or
research from the outside had to be
commandeered or suppressed.
By December of 1932, the Experimental
Station West at Kummersdorf was growing.
New buildings such as workshops, offices,
drafting rooms, darkrooms, and a
measurement room were constructed. In
addition to the existing solid-fueled
engine test stand, a new liquid-fueled
engine test stand was added—the first ever
established in Germany. Plans were
finalized for their first designs and
tests. For the next several months
everyone on Dornberger’s Section 1 team
was either busy designing or constructing
the components for their first rocket
engine tests.
During 1932, political circumstances in
Germany were in chaos, even worse than
just one decade before, because of the
worldwide economic depression following
the crash of the American stock market in
1929. The Nazi Party almost won the
presidency under a radical new
revolutionary leader named Adolf Hitler.
Only a year later, Hitler would be appointed chancellor
of the German nation, and he would
quickly seize full dictatorial powers,
pronouncing himself Führer of the German
people. His powerful words struck a cord
that the German public wanted to hear.
Hitler promised that Germany would
regain its world status and power.
German prosperity would rebound.
However, he also stirred the innermost
prejudices and hatred within the German
society. Hitler promptly crushed
any potential political opposition. He
formed around himself a circle of
criminals and thugs who used assassination
and intimidation to increase their
stranglehold on power. The Schutzstaffel,
otherwise known as the SS, became an army
of personal bodyguards for Hitler. The
ranks of the SS included some of the most
ruthless and ardent Nazis. Heinrich
Himmler was named head of this
organization, which eventually carried out
some of Hitler’s most reprehensible
proclamations. Bigotry
directed against minorities was
encouraged, even fostered by the state,
especially against Jews. This penchant
would eventually figure prominently in
the story of the A-4/V-2 rocket.
Max Valier rocket
Popular Mechanics
VfR experiments
Nebel and Von Braun
Paris Gun
Karl Emil Becker
Wernher von Braun had received his
bachelor’s degree in aeronautical
engineering from the Charlottenburg
Institute of Technology in the spring of
1932. Dornberger later wrote about his
first encounters with the young, vivacious
von Braun, “I had been struck during my
visits to Reinickendorf by the energy and
shrewdness with which this tall, fair,
young student with a broad, massive chin
went to work, and by his astonishing
theoretical knowledge. It had seemed to me
that he grasped the problems and his chief
concern was to lay bare the difficulties.
When General Becker later decided to
approve our Army establishment for
liquid-propellant rockets, I had put
Wernher von Braun first on my list of
proposed technical assistants."
On November 1, 1932, von Braun signed a
contract with the Reichswehr to conduct
research leading to the development of
rockets as military weapons. In this
capacity, he would work for Captain
Dornberger. In the same year, under a
Wehrmacht grant, von Braun enrolled at the
Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität from which
he graduated two years later with a Ph.D.
in physics. His dissertation dealt with
the theoretical and practical problems of
liquid-propellant rocket engines.
Dornberger also began to recruit other VfR
standouts such as Heinrich Grünow, an
exceptional mechanic; Arthur Rudolph, a
former colleague of Max Valier and engine
designer; and Walter Riedel, an
accomplished researcher previously
employed by the Heylandt Company. In 1933
Colonel Becker was promoted to chief of
the Heeres-Waffenamt Prüfwesen of the Army
Weapons Office. He was now in charge of
allocating funds to various testing
branches. This brought in a bit more money
to Kummersdorf, but the funds were still
Very slowly the operation grew in size.
Preparations were underway to construct a
rocket that would finally take flight.
Fuel mixture, flow, cooling, and ignition
had been studied, but only in static test
conditions. A new rocket would be proposed
using the moniker Aggregat (assembly)
number 1 (A-1). Inherent in the proposed
design of this rocket was the idea that
the rocket or a portion of the rocket
should spin to maintain stability. The
rocket would stand 55 inches tall and be
one foot in diameter with a weight of just
around 330 pounds. Different from previous
designs, the Heylandt-produced rocket
engine was to be located at the bottom of
the rocket, contained inside a portion of
the alcohol fuel tank. At the top of this
tank was an insert to accommodate a
container for the liquid oxygen. Nitrogen
was used to pressure feed the propellants
to the engine. The overall weight of the
A-1 came in at almost 400 pounds, and the
spinning flywheel in the nose caused
instability. It was not going to be a
device that could fly, but it did provide
valuable information about fuel mixtures
and cooling. Fuel and oxygen-valve
inconsistencies caused delayed and
explosive ignitions. Three examples of the
A-1 were built and test fired.
Next came a redesign of the basic A-1,
renamed the A-2. This prototype maintained
the same proportions and performance, but
the stabilization device was moved to the
center of the rocket. The 300-kilogram
thrust engine was retained, but a separate
liquid oxygen tank was added to prevent an
explosion from mixing during powered
flight. After preliminary tests were
conducted, the team at Section 1 decided
to test launch two prototypes of the A-2
design. The range at Kummersdorf was too
small to conduct these tests in secrecy,
so in December 1934, the two rockets,
nicknamed Max and Moritz, were transported
to the North Sea island of Borkum. The
winter weather was somewhat forbidding;
however, the group managed to successfully
launch the first rocket on December 19,
1934. Climbing to just over one mile in
altitude, the rocket fell onto the beach
not too far from the launch tower. The
following day the second example was
launched. The 300-kilogram thrust engine
burned for 16 seconds, and the rocket
attained about the same height as the
first. The rocket team was ecstatic. Here
was a real rocket that had performed up to
their expectations. Word of the success
was sent to Dornberger at Königsbrück, who
was on duty as commander with the first
Nebelwerfer solid-rocket artillery
batteries. Dornberger was pleased. They
now had something to show for the
investment made by the Army.
In mid-January 1935, Kummersdorf received
a visit from Major Wolfram von Richthofen.
Von Richthofen was the head of aircraft
research for the German Luftwaffe. He was
interested in developing rocket-powered
aircraft, as well as jet-assisted
launching pods for Luftwaffe heavy
bombers. He asked the Kummersdorf team if
they could design such systems. Working as
a contractor, the Kummersdorf staff
accepted the challenge—mainly because the
Luftwaffe provided more research funds. A
contract was signed, and within a few
weeks, the Heinkel aircraft company
brought their own engineers to
Kummersdorf, helping to install a
1,000-kilogram thrust rocket engine in a
Heinkel He 112 fighter aircraft. In early
April of 1937, a modified He 112 was
successfully test flown.
All during this time, Section 1 at
Kummersdorf was developing larger and more
powerful rocket engines. Showing great
promise, these new engines provided
thrusts of 1,000 and 1,500 kilograms.
Several new test stands were constructed
to accommodate these larger engine
designs. The most advanced of these was a
test stand designated for the prototype
Aggregat 3 (A-3). The purpose of the A-3
was to conduct further tests with larger,
more powerful rocket engines and to
incorporate initial tests in fledgling
guidance systems.
By 1936, it had become clear to most
everyone at Kummersdorf that the seemingly
small confines of Experimental Station
West were unsuitable for test flights. The
Kummersdorf range was not only too small
for launching liquid-fueled rockets, it
could no longer be expanded. In addition,
security could be easily compromised if
the populace of Berlin looked to their
south and witnessed test missiles soaring
skyward. Also, things were crowded.
Section 1 workshops and facilities were
crammed with over 80 people by this time.
Dornberger eventually persuaded Major
General Werner von Fritsch, head of the
Reichswehr, to visit Kummersdorf in March
of 1936. The trip must have made an
imprssion, because when the visit was
over, von Fritsch simply stated, “How much
money do you want?”
The Army began contemplating the
possibility of a large research center, a
center that would be unique. It should be
devoted to the development of a weapon
unlike any seen before. Dornberger set the
standards for selecting the new proving
ground. It must be located on the coast
near the water. The firing trajectory
should be equidistant to a coastline for
tracking purposes. The location should be
flat and large enough for an airfield.
Lastly, the center should be constructed
in a remote location, away from view for
the utmost secrecy and security. Von Braun
had been conducting a search on his own
initiative for the past several months all
along the Baltic coast. A location on the
island of Rügen was at first thought to be
suitable, but there was no way it could be
wrestled from the German Labor Front, as
it was destined to be the official Nazi
beach resort for all union workers. While
visiting his parents, von Braun’s mother
suggested he look at Peenemünde. She said
her father used to go duck hunting there.
Von Braun followed her advice and took a
trip to see the area himself. It was
perfect. The location met all of the
requirements set forth for the new
research center.
The most important benefit from the rocket
group’s association with the German Air
Force was the enthusiasm shown by the
Luftwaffe officials. The Air Ministry was
keen to expedite the development of
rocket-powered aircraft. In a meeting with
von Braun, the Luftwaffe’s von Richthofen
nonchalantly offered five million
reichsmarks to the Army’s rocket group
toward the construction of the new
facility. When word of this reached Army
Ordinance, it caused an uproar. The
unprecedented breech of military etiquette
angered General Becker. Vowing not to be
upstaged, Becker told Dornberger the Army
would not be outspent by the “junior”
service and pledged six million
reichsmarks to the project.
In the spring of 1936, a meeting was
arranged at Luftwaffe headquarters. The
northern tip of Usedom was to be divided
between the Luftwaffe’s Peenemünde West
and the Army’s Peenemünde East. The
construction project was given to the
Luftwaffe engineers. The rocket group
appreciated the energy of this new,
nonbureaucratic service. Many believed the
project would move faster and more
efficiently if carried out by the
Luftwaffe’s Air Ministry. Soon
construction started.
It would take a few years to complete the
construction at Peenemünde. In the
meantime, work continued at Kummersdorf.
The A-3 was still a priority, but now,
assured of an establishment of such
grandiose scale in the near future, the
engineers turned their attention to a much
larger project: the A-4, later to be known
as the infamous V-2. The specifications
for the A-4 were compulsory for the
creation of an artillery round, not a
spaceship. To make the A-4 look attractive
to the Army, Dornberger decided the A-4
should have twice the range of the Paris
Gun of the First World War. It should have
a one-ton warhead and be easily
transported on existing German
infrastructure. The thrust required to
propel a missile of this size would be
about 25 metric tons. Thinking as a
military man and artillerist, not as a
space visionary, Dornberger prescribed a
weapon intended to surprise and demoralize
an unsuspecting enemy. He was very
restrictive in his demands relating to
accuracy requirements: for every 1,000
meters in range, a deviation of only two
or three meters was acceptable. At a range
of 230 to 250 kilometers, this would mean
the A-4 should impact no further than 750
meters from the intended target. It would
be much harder to achieve this than maybe
he realized at the time. However, if it
could be accomplished, the weapon would be
quite formidable.
Peenemünde a.U.
Heeresversuchsstelle Peenemünde a.U.
Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde (HVP)
Heeresanstalt Peenemünde (HAP)
Heimat-Artillerie-Park 11 Karlshagen
(HAP 11)
Elektromechanische Werke GmbH
Karlshagen (EMW)
Versuchsplatz Karlshagen
Elektromechanische Werke GmbH
Peenemünde (EMW)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Peenemünde
05/1937 – 31.03.1938
01.04.1938 – 14.09.1941
15.09.1941 – 06.01.1942
07.01.1942 – 31.05.1943
01.06.1943 – 31.07.1944
01.08.1944 – 04/1945
01.08.1944 – 02/1945
After the A-2 success in late 1934, von
Braun planned the A-3, a larger and
heavier rocket. The A-3 designers adopted
the validity of many A-2 components. The
1,500-kilogram thrust engine in the A-3
was simply a scaled-up version of the A-2
power plant. Slight variations were made,
a double-wall cooling method was
introduced whereby the alcohol circulated
around the combustion chamber, and the
injection system utilized a different
method of mixing the fuels, which created
more efficient combustion and higher
exhaust velocities. Along with more
powerful engines, the difficult problem of
guidance needed to be addressed to achieve
the goals outlined for the future A-4. The
expertise needed to manufacture a
three-dimensional gyroscope was beyond the
capabilities of the Kummersdorf staff in
the early thirties. A stabilization device
of this kind would be required for
guidance and control of the A-4 to realize
the accuracy requirements stipulated by
Dornberger. An outside company
specializing in naval gyroscopic
manufacturing—Kreiselgeräte GmbH (Gyro
Devices, Ltd.)—was contacted by the rocket
team in hopes that it could produce a
similar device to meet the needs of rocket
A-3 test at
Aerial view Island
A-3 being raised
A-3 pre-launch
A-3 readied on Oie
A-3V1 during launch
By late 1936, after several design
revisions, the device was delivered for
installation in the A-3. The gyro platform
would send signals to jet vanes situated
directly in line with the rocket’s
exhaust, which would deflect the aspect of
thrust. Connectors that extended from
servos in the control compartment
controlled the vanes. The A-3 was also
equipped with long but narrow fins for
aerodynamic stability. The idea was to
design a fin with enough surface area to
maintain the center of pressure behind the
center of gravity but at the same time not
present a heavy drag inhibiting the speed
of the rocket. The shape of each fin would
also need to maintain stability at
supersonic velocities.
As early as
January 1936, the A-3 design had
been undergoing wind-tunnel tests
under the supervision of Dr.
Rudolf Hermann at the Technical
University at Aachen. The tunnel
used for the tests was extremely
small, but the data indicated some
disturbing issues concerning the
overall A-3 configuration. It
revealed that the A-3 was stable
but so stable that it was
susceptible to crosswinds that
would cause flight deviation.
Also, the fins did not provide a
large enough profile to control
the rocket at high altitudes and
were going to burn up in the
rocket exhaust, which would expand
as the air density decreased.
However, because it had taken more
than six months to gather the
information, the A-3 was more or
less complete by the time von
Braun received the results. It was
apparent to Dornberger and von
Braun that a larger, more
sophisticated wind tunnel would
need to be constructed at
The first
A-3 was ready for launch at the
end of 1937. It had been an
exciting year for the group.
Having moved into the partially
completed facilities at
Peenemünde in the spring of
1937, they finalized the
assembly of four A-3 prototypes
and now were ready to launch
from their new facility.
However, the test flights were
actually conducted on the tiny
island of Greifswalder Oie, just
a short distance from the tip of
Peenemünde. Earlier that year,
crews constructed a concrete
launch platform along with an
underground observation bunker,
near the edge of the tree line.
Control cables ran from the
platform to the bunker and a
telephone line was connected to
the lone lighthouse nearby.
A-3 test Greifswalder Oie
WMV 2.4 MB
The weather
was abysmal. Conditions on the
Greifswalder Oie were the worst
imaginable. Rain, wind, and cold
delayed the launches. It was not
the most ideal setting to conduct
important rocketry experiments.
The fact that the trials went on
in these horrible conditions was
evidence of how important the pace
of rocket development was; the
feeling existed that schedules
must be adhered to, come rain or
shine. In spite of the conditions,
excitement and camaraderie among
the crew kept spirits high as they
prepared for the tests. The first
A-3 was launched on the morning of
December 4, 1937.
liftoff was good, then
unexpectedly, the parachute
deployed prematurely. The rocket
turned into the wind and crashed
some 300 meters from the launch
site. The early parachute
deployment caused a misdiagnosis
of the flight deviation, and
this was only confounded when it
happened again a few days later
during the second A-3 test
parachute was removed during the third
launch on December 8, but
still the rocket turned into
the heavy winds and crashed. A
fourth launch attempt yielded
the same results. Dornberger
and von Braun remembered the
predictions of Dr. Hermann;
the A-3 wind-tunnel tests were
proven correct. The rocket was
susceptible to high winds, and
the new three-axis-gyroscopic
control system was not
adequate to make the necessary
adjustments to correct the
Second A-3 test
WMV 1.2 MB
A new test missile was needed to iron out
the steering problems still facing the
rocket team at the conclusion of the A-3
tests. The wind-tunnel tests at Aachen and
subsequent suggestions for improving the
overall A-3 design convinced Dornberger to
pressure Dr. Hermann to join the
experimental staff at Peenemünde. In April
1937 Dr. Hermann was persuaded. The
world’s most sophisticated supersonic wind
tunnel, which would ultimately simulate a
running speed of over Mach 4, was built in
the heart of the laboratory and workshop
area of Peenemünde East.
After joining Peenemünde, Dr. Hermann
quickly recruited the best aerodynamicists
he could find. One of the first to join
Rudolf Hermann in Peenemünde was Dr.
Hermann Kurzweg. It
was Dr. Kurzweg, working with
hand-carved models with various fin
configurations, who developed the basic
design of the A-5 and later the A-4. The
designation A-4 was already given to the
final production version of a weapon, so
the new test-bed missile was given the
number A-5, even though it was out of
sequence. It would resemble a miniature
A-4, incorporating the same aerodynamic
design as the future weapon along with a
new inertial guidance control system.
Internally, many of the A-3 components
remained the same, and the engine was
powered by the same fuels. But the A-5
would carry a radio-command system for
ground control of engine cutoff and
remote parachute deployment. While
construction moved forward on the wind
tunnel at Peenemünde, testing at Aachen
continued. Small-scale models were
launched to test the different fin
designs, followed by the first actual
test flights of the A-5 in October of
had dictated a regimented schedule for
A-5 production and testing. The A-5
should have the ability to carry out all
of the flight research tasks that were
essential to final design requirements
on the larger A-4. This included the
ballistic shape, the ability to
pass through the sound barrier, and
guidance throughout the burning portion of
the missile’s flight. While waiting on
industrial contractors to put the
finishing touches on the new gyroscopic
equipment, the Peenemünde team launched
four unguided A-5s from Greifswalder Oie
and was pleased with the results of each
The political factions in Germany were now
dominated by the Nazi Party. The rocket
team, in their daily bustle, paid only
slight attention to the international
struggles taking place at the time. On
January 25, 1938, Hitler was shown a
document in which Reichsführer SS Himmler
accused General von Fritsch of criminal
homosexual activities. Von Fritsch was
replaced by Colonel General Walther von
Brauchitsch. Hitler abolished the War
Ministry, reorganized the armed services,
and created the Armed Forces High Command
(OKW). The Führer assumed full command.
Von Brauchitsch understood Hitler’s
intentions. If Hitler was determined to
take the country to war, von Brauchitsch
would strive to make sure Germany’s armed
forces were ready.
Braun speaks about Kummersdorf and
the need for larger facilities (.5
It was a cold, rainy day in the spring of
1939 when Hitler visited the Kummersdorf
Experimental Station with Field Marshal
von Brauchitsch and General Karl Becker of
Army Ordinance. Others in attendance
included Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess, Martin
Bormann, and several others. By this time,
Peenemünde would have been more
representative of contemporary rocket
research, but because of the extreme
secrecy surrounding the new rocket center,
the Führer did not visit Usedom. After
some introductions, Dornberger, now a
colonel, proceeded to escort the entourage
around the old facility. Dornberger
described to Hitler the research at the
station, providing a basic outline of the
group’s history and current objectives. To
some in the tour, Hitler seemed to be
somewhat disinterested. They followed
Dornberger to the captive test stands,
where in preparation for the Führer’s
visit, several engine tests had been
readied. With cotton stuffed into his
ears, Hitler peered through the
observation slot of a protective wall as a
300-kilogram thrust engine was fired.
Those accompanying Hitler were smiling and
excited by the demonstration, while Hitler
said nothing. Next was another static
firing of a more powerful 1,000-kilogram
thrust engine. The noise from the second
engine made Hitler wince, but otherwise he
showed no emotion whatsoever.
As the
party walked over to the third
test stand, Dornberger briefed
Hitler about the progress in
Peenemünde. A model of the A-3 was
laid out showing the various
components, and at this point von
Braun began explaining the inner
workings of the rocket. Hitler
became gradually more interested,
inspecting the rocket and
listening closely to von Braun’s
comments. He even asked a few
questions, one about the need for
such exotic fuels. Von Braun
responded respectfully, explaining
the need for high exhaust
velocities to obtain the speeds
necessary to extend the range of
the rocket. At the conclusion of
von Braun’s speech, Hitler turned
away shaking his head. It is
unknown if Hitler discounted the
feasibility of the rocket or if he
was just overwhelmed by the
complexity of it all. Later in the
station mess, Hitler was served a
light lunch and during the meal
talked with General Becker about
various details of what they had
seen. When finished, Hitler simply
said, “Es war doch gewaltig!” (It
was nevertheless grand!)
attitude toward the rocket at
this time was certainly
perplexing to Dornberger and
others. Dornberger recalled
later, “He was the only visitor
who had ever listened to me
without asking questions.” For a
man with such zeal when it came
to new weapons like warships,
guns, and tanks, Hitler’s
reluctance to embrace the
innovative technology of the
rocket was hard to understand.
The Führer was always keen on
the “next big project,” so why
is it he discounted the rocket?
His ineptness was not limited to
understanding the technology of
the rocket, as he would make
similar blunders all through the
war, imposing his supposedly
infallible will on many other
innovative projects and thereby
negating their usefulness.
Hitler observes
engine tests at Kummersdorf
In the fall of 1939, Heeresversuchsstelle
Peenemünde (Army Experimental Station
Peenemünde), HVP, was fully staffed after
the transfer of the remaining personnel
from Kummersdorf. The research center was
under the control of Walter Dornberger,
while Colonel Leo Zanssen was retained as
military commander. However, a new problem
arose. Now that Germany was at war with
France and Great Britain, manpower at
Peenemünde was slowly being siphoned away
due to increasing conscription of men for
the German military. Dornberger, along
with General Becker, met with Army Chief
von Brauchitsch at Army headquarters in
Zossen to discuss this problem. Von
Brauchitsch was persuaded to sign an order
stating that “Peenemünde should be pushed
forward by all possible means.” It was
hoped that such a directive would
alleviate the drain of important personnel
and skilled workers.
General Von Brauchitsch had been
Dornberger’s superior officer in the
1920s. He viewed Dornberger as his junior
protégé and kept a close watch on his
burgeoning career. Months earlier, in
November of 1938, Dornberger had convinced
von Brauchitsch to issue a directive for
the construction of a full-scale missile
assembly factory at Peenemünde under the
auspices of it being “particularly urgent
for national defense.” Dornberger had no
qualms about using his close relationship
with von Brauchitsch to Peenemünde’s
advantage. Now that Germany was at war,
funding for military endeavors would be
quickly consumed by a myriad of new
projects, and Peenemünde needed its share.
By the end of the decade, the German
Army’s liquid-fuel rocket program had come
a long way. The once-tiny organization had
grown beyond the wildest dreams of its
early participants. Throughout the late
1930s, activities and personnel continued
to grow at the Peenemünde complex.
Reichsmarks were being spent at an
astonishing rate. A-4 development forged
ahead with crucial technological
breakthroughs occurring at regular
intervals. However, without an operational
weapon to show for their efforts, the work
was far from finished.
Ley and Wernher von Braun discuss
early German rocketry experiments
(9.7 MB)
The most daunting challenge was the
development of the inertial guidance
platform. Realizing the old control system
installed on the A-3 was inadequate and
that the new gyro-autopilot design would
not be available anytime soon, the
engineers decided to install a heavier,
more powerful control device manufactured
by the firm of Siemens. The
was under construction after
the finalizing of the new tail surfaces,
which were redesigned and shortened after
extensive wind-tunnel tests. It was
thought that with the new tail surfaces
being much more streamlined, the speed of
sound might be achieved during A-5 test
flights. In 1938 several small A-5 models
made of solid iron were released from a
Heinkel He-111 flying at 20,000 feet. The
drop tests were recorded by
phototheodolites and revealed that at
around 3,000 feet, the dummy A-5s exceeded
the speed of sound.
By the
summer of 1939, Peenemünde was
ready as a launching station. But
it was on the tiny island of
Greifswalder Oie that the rocket
team set up for the A-5
experiments. Many changes had
taken place on the island.
Concrete roads, a concrete
observation bunker, new sleeping
quarters, and a large measurement
house were now in place on the
island. Special instruments were
set up on the neighboring island
of Rügen along with more
instruments at Peenemünde. Each
location was connected to
Greifswalder Oie by cables laid
under the sea. The closest station
for measuring the trajectory of
the rockets launched from Oie was
located on the eastern end of
Rügen, across ten kilometers of
open water.
The first
true example of the A-5 was
ready for its maiden flight. The
previous A-5 rockets launched in
late 1938 carried no guidance
systems and were launched only
to test structural and
aerodynamic changes from the A-3
technology. The A-5s would now
be put through a regimented
series of test flights intended
to prove the viability of
components and ideas destined to
be integrated into the larger
A-4 rocket. The weather
conditions were good, with very
little wind, as the first full
test of the A-5 commenced from
Greifswalder Oie in late October
of 1939. At ignition the rocket
climbed straight up, and just as
planned, the exhaust vanes
directed the A-5 on an easily
controlled vertical flight
course. The newly installed
Siemens gyro-control gear was,
so far, working as expected.
When the motor shut down 45
seconds into the flight, the
rocket was almost five miles
high. Its momentum carried it
higher until gravity slowed the
ascent. At the high point of the
trajectory, von Braun sent a
radio signal to command the
release of a drogue parachute,
followed seconds later by
another signal that released the
main parachute. The rocket
drifted slowly down, landing
close to the island in the
waters just off shore. The
rocket was retrieved easily and
taken for inspection.
following day two more A-5s were
scheduled for launch. The
results of the morning flight
produced almost the same results
as those from the previous day.
Once again, the rocket made a
vertical ascent, straight up,
without the complexity of an
altered trajectory. However,
Dornberger and the engineers
were still cautious of
celebration. Even though there
was reason to be excited about
the first two test flights, the
A-5 was yet to perform its most
crucial task.
A-5 diagram
Engine tests
A-5 drop tests from
He 111
A-5 readied for
A-5 fin tests from
Do 17 spotter plane
The A-5 was a test-bed rocket for all
principle features of the proposed A-4.
Equipped with the new Siemens control
equipment, it was designed to execute
commanded guidance during a ballistic
(curved) trajectory and have the ability
to do so in stable flight. The rocket
would maneuver into a ballistic attitude
when the gyroscopes tilted in the desired
direction of flight, which would cause the
autopilot to send signals to the servos
attached to the exhaust vanes. They, in
turn, would deflect the blast in a manner
so as to tilt the rocket slowly over. If
wind gusts affected the attitude of the
rocket, the autopilot would react in the
same manner, always seeking to align the
longitudinal axis of the rocket with the
fundamental axis of the gyroscopes. Thus,
the gyros were responsible for the
controlled tilt during a curved flight
path and primary flight course correction
of the rocket. In laying out the
requirements for the A-4, the scientists
determined that a 50-degree tilt would be
necessary to achieve the maximum range for
the future weapon.
The third
A-5 test flight, the second flight
that day, was predetermined to
test this technique of controlled
guidance. The engineers had often
tested the procedure during static
firings of the rocket at the
captive test stands, but now they
would be able to see if it really
worked in flight. As the rocket
blasted away vertically from its
launching point, it was only a few
seconds later when, gradually, the
programmed tilt came from the
control system. They watched and
cheered as the A-5 canted to the
east after four seconds of
vertical climb. It crossed over
the island gaining speed as it
flew in a long arc out to sea.
When the motor stopped, the
missile continued and flattened
out about four miles downrange.
Surprisingly, the parachute
deployment was again successful,
and the rocket dropped slowly from
the sky into the waters of the
Baltic. Once more, the rocket was
recovered and subjected to post
flight examination.
The A-5
guidance test was completely
successful. Although the rocket
had not achieved supersonic
speeds, the calculations and
devices worked as planned. In
the A-5 the rocket team now had
a proven tool for sustained
tests with all the varied
concepts that would need to be
incorporated in the A-4. Later
on, the A-5 would achieve a
range of around 11 miles at a
height of 8 miles. Dornberger
was relieved. He later stated,
“Now I can see our goal clearly,
and the way that lead to it.
Then I knew we would succeed in
creating a weapon with far
greater range than artillery.”
The A-5 would be launched again
and again to test these concepts
as the team moved closer to
creating the big missile.
prep and test launch
WMV 2.7 MB
The research facilities near the Baltic
were not as confidential as the Army might
have liked to believe at the time. The
recent Peenemünde successes were, in part,
the result of cooperation with civilian
firms and German universities, all of
which were privy to some form of
confidential information about the rocket
project. The first warning about Germany’s
ongoing secret weapons research was
delivered to the British as a gift.
the morning of November 5, 1939, a package
was found resting on a window ledge
outside of the British Embassy in Oslo,
Norway. The package contained seven pages
of German text and another small box,
which contained a sealed glass tube. When
the text was translated it sounded
incredible. The document spoke of
fantastic new weaponry being developed in
Germany. Late in the evening of the same
day, the so-called Oslo Report arrived on
the desk of Dr. Reginald Victor Jones, the
director of the Scientific Department at
Air Ministry in London. Dr. Jones
scrutinized the documents. No one believed
the information to be genuine. It was
quickly denounced as a hoax, one designed
to intentionally mislead British war
planners. Dr. Jones was one of the few who
actually retained his copy of the Oslo
Report, and its value would become
apparent at a later date.
However, Peenemünde was years away from
actually fielding a weapon. Much more
research requiring additional funding
would be needed before the operational
deployment of any future weapon. During
Dornberger’s earlier visit with von
Brauchitsch in 1939, he expressed the need
for more funding to support Dr. Thiel with
his innovative research on the large A-4
combustion chamber. With their latest
accomplishments, Dornberger was confident
they could begin series production of the
A-4 by 1943, if not sooner. It all
depended on continued funding for the
research center, but resources in Germany
were already stretched to the limit. Even
though Dornberger was able to secure the
support of Army Chief von Brauchitsch, who
issued two Army directives—one for the
construction of the assembly plant at
Peenemünde and the other for priority in
manpower and material—both directives were
made without consulting either Hitler or
the Armed Forces High Command (OKW). The
incoherent priority system made it
impossible to meet von Brauchitsch’s
demands. Not only was skilled labor almost
nonexistent but the interference of OKW
staff resulted in Hitler canceling the
directives. The Führer dictated that
rocket development should continue at the
agreed-upon prewar levels.
From a distance, Reichsführer SS Himmler
kept a close eye on rocket activities in
Peenemünde. Any installation, such as
Peenemünde, receiving so much attention
and funding was bound to be noticed by the
head of the SS. It is apparent that
Himmler was interested in spreading his
influence within the burgeoning rocketry
program as early as 1940. Wernher von
Braun was contacted by Himmler on May 1
and the Reichsführer SS awarded von Braun
the SS rank of Untersturmführer
(lieutenant). Dornberger, always looking
for support of the rocket program,
suggested to his colleague that it would
be unwise to decline the offer. Von Braun
was hesitant but finally accepted this
position so as not to offend Himmler
during a time when the rocket program was
struggling for priority. During the next
few years, Peenemünde would increasingly
find itself garnering the attention of
Germany’s leadership and industry.
