Battery 444 firing troops soon occupied the grounds of the estate named Vrederust (now Welgelegen). Residents owning homes near the park were evacuated from the vicinity. The grounds of the estate were sealed off from eyes of civilians and heavy camouflage nets were erected. The estate had been occupied by German soldiers since 1942 and featured several large concrete and earth air raid shelters, which were used as cover by the rocket soldiers during the launches. Two small launching areas, each about 25 feet in diameter, were cleared out among the 70 foot-tall beech trees near the house (at this time Battery 444 had only two firing tables). One site was about 200 yards south from the house, while the other was only 30 yards to the east. Civilian eyewitnesses reported that the rocket operations were carried out by a group of about 70 German soldiers. —PRO AIR.37/1253 Built in1894, the
estate and park Vrederust had been
commissioned by Maria
Wilhelmina van Vollenhoven,
who was the daughter of a prominent
mayor of Amsterdam. A large
villa was built, along with
coach house and gardens. The villa
interior featured stucco
ceilings and stained-glass
windows from the Delft
Prinsenhof studio.
When the V-2
troops arrived at
Vrederust there was
difficulty because
of the tight turn—due to the
length of the rockets and
trailers. So
the original pillars of the
elegant entrance gate were
demolished to make way for
the rockets to enter. —Collier,
Basil. The Battle of the
V-Weapons The next morning
at about 07:30 AM the residents of Serooskerke
were shaken from their sleep as the first
rocket lifted off heading over the English
Channel. Reportedly, an RAF aircraft flew low
over the town at about the same time and it
was obvious the pilot had seen the launch. The
citizens had barely recovered from their shock
when a second rocket was launched from Buitenplaats
Vrederust around 8:15 AM. They watched
the rocket rise and turn to the west, again
heading for England. These two rockets impacted
Southgate and Wembley respectively, causing the
deaths of 16 and injuring 23 others. In the town
it was rumored that another V-2 would lift off
later that same afternoon. —Bosse, P.G. v.d.,
Diary of M.Sturm in Serooskerke
Jos de Ligny was the 17 year-old
daughter of local blacksmith
J.A. de Ligny. Jos owned an
AGFA box-camera and was a budding amateur
photographer. Weeks
before, she had been approached
by the local
resistance asking if she
was willing
to take photographs of German
positions and defenses
that could be passed on to the
Allies. She was not
afraid—she was
excited. She proceeded to
travel around Walcheren
taking photos of German
positions such as Domburg
and Oostkapelle. After the two
V-2 launches
from Vrederust that morning, Jos
decided get a glimpse of
the rocket operations.
Even though the launching
area was well sealed off,
youngsters knew where to
go. From a
goat stable on adjacent property
she found a good view of the
launch location and shot two
whole rolls of film that were
passed to the resistance that
evening. Presumably, these
photos showed launch site
vehicles and ground
preparations. —Bevrijdingsmuseum
The next morning, Sunday, September 17, the third V-2
is launched around 06:30 AM. Hoping to take more
photographs, Jos grabbed her camera and made her way
with caution to Dr. Reynders Schilt's house, which had
a good view situated on a corner. At 07:00 AM another
V-2 is launched and Jos was able to take photos of the
rocket launching and climbing into the sky. ![]()
The following day, Monday, September 18, Jos was at
home with her brother Bram, who was sick in bed
with tuberculosis in the family room. Bram
called to Jos to come quickly with her camera. In the
street directly in front of their house was a
Meillerwagen trailer holding a V-2 rocket. The
driver of the towing vehicle was supposed to drive to
Vrederust via Vrouwenpolderseweg then Torenstraat but
the driver accidentally turned left into Noordweg at
the church. Running upstairs, Jos was able to take a
photo through the curtains of her bedroom window. Having
difficulty maneuvering the tiny streets, the driver
turns in front of the church (Johanneskerke). Her
brother Bram took the camera and hurried to their
neighbor's house to get a second
photo of the rocket maneuvering in the
street. Afterwards, Jos discovered there were six
unused frames on the film roll. She decided use up the
remaining film by taking shots of the house, garden
and kitchen, then delivered the roll to local
photographer named Broerse. As Broerse began
developing the negatives he sees the images of the V-2
rocket among the other family photos and says, "Never
bring such images to me again!" —Bevrijdingsmuseum
Zeeland ![]() Photos below: Views of the V-2 and Meillerwagen taken by Jos and her brother. The aerial shows the location in Serooskerke.
On September 19, 1944 SS General Kammler,
fearing the unit might be overrun by Allied
Troops during "Market Garden," ordered the Battery
444 to proceed north to Gaasterland.
Little else is known about the secret V-2
activities at Serooskerke because of the
very limited operational period. Battery
444 launched 6 rockets towards London
on the days of September 16-18, 1944. Of the
six, only three reached England. Two more
rockets failed to ignite and were
taken down and sent back for repairs. —Division
z.V. War Diary After
the troops were gone Jos
de Ligny still
a few rolls of
film and the
two prints of
the V-2 and
in the streets
On 12 November
1944 a British
RAF officer
arrived in
Serooskerke to
inquire about
the rocket
launches. Jos
over all of
her film and
photos to the
officer who
took them back
to England. A
month later a
thank-you letter
from the
British Air
Ministry was
delivered to
Jos by another
Inside were
copies of the
two prints
from September
18. These are
the only two
photos from Serooskerke
today. The
film rolls
the V-2 in
flight, and
the other film
given to the
resistance, remains
a mystery to
this day. The
camera and complete dossier belonging
to Jos
de Ligny
are now included in the collection
of the Liberation
Museum Zeeland. Jos
de Ligny
passed away on 05 Jan. 2017 at the
age of 89. —Irving, David. The
Mare's Nest —Bevrijdingsmuseum
V-2 attacks from Serooskerke 16-18 Sept.
Photos: Ed Straten (2018)
![]() ![]() Special thanks to Ed Straten, Niels Koops, and Hans Houterman. ![]() |
Eisenhower’s meeting with Montgomery started off just as he had expected; the Field Marshal began lambasting the current Allied strategy and came up with all the same criticisms and optimistic proposals. Montgomery insisted if he received all the men and equipment he requested, he could capture a bridge over the Rhine and be in Berlin in less than three months. However, this time the British field marshal offered a different argument. Montgomery pointed out that the German rocket campaign had begun and that British Intelligence knew the rockets were being launched from somewhere on the Dutch coast. If the plan worked, not only would it be a catalyst into Germany but it would also counteract the V-2 threat. Holland had been under German occupation for four years, and the British commander believed that the German forces there were weak. If airborne units could land and hold key bridges, he could send a heavy armored force racing through Holland all the way to the IJsselmeer. This time Eisenhower agreed to the plan. Even though he was doubtful as to whether the operation would swiftly facilitate a passageway into Germany, the prospect of capturing a bridge over the Rhine, while at the same time reducing the rocket threat, must have appealed to him. Code-named Operation Market Garden, it would be the largest airborne drop in military history. Three Allied divisions would be involved. In the “Market” portion of the plan, the U.S. 101st Airborne Division Airborne would drop near Eindhoven and secure the canal crossings at Veghel. The U.S. 82nd Airborne Division would capture the bridges over the Maas River at Grave and the Waal River at Nijmegen. Sixty miles behind German lines, the British First Airborne, then later the Polish First Airborne Brigade, would be dropped on the bridge over the Rhine River at Arnhem. In the “Garden” phase, British XXX Corps would dash up these Allied-held river crossings to relieve the First Airborne at Arnhem. On September 19, 1944, at the beginning of the Allied airborne landings, SS General Kammler ordered the evacuation of all rocket troops from The Hague and Walcheren, for fear they might be cut off. The inhabitants of Wassenaar were able return to their homes after Battalion 485 withdrew from the area under the cover of darkness. The vehicles of the first battery traveled north and arrived at Overveen near Haarlem and then retreated all the way into Germany in Burgsteinfurt, where they were joined later by the second battery. The first battery of 485 set up operations west of the small town of Legden with two firing sites at Beikelort where they launched a total of 21 rockets from September 21 to October 08 against continental targets such as Louvain, Tournai, Maastricht, and Liège. At the beginning of Market Garden, American forces almost nabbed General Kammler at Berg en Dal, so he moved his headquarters to the German town of Darfeld in Burgsteinfurt for a short time. But after moving again to Ludenscheid on September 21, he soon established a permanent headquarters in Germany, east of Dortmund at Suttrop bei Warstein on October 03. —BAMA RH 26.1022/3, Division z.V. War Diary It is often reported that Kammler’s headquarters was located for a time in the Dutch town of Haaksbergen. In fact, there was no German headquarters of any kind at Haaksbergen. It may have been confusion between the names Haaksbergen and Schaarsbergen. Schaarsbergen was about 20 kilometers from Apeldoorn, and many German barracks were concentrated in this area. Dornberger and Kammler reportedly met on several occasions at a location near Apeldoorn. —Cor Lulof, 2004 After spending only a few days at Walcheren, Training and Experimental Battery 444 traveled north to Gaasterland in southwest Friesland, where it could continue operations against England. The fact that General Kammler did not withdraw the Battery 444 to Germany was probably that he wanted to show the Allied High Command that his units were still able to hit Britain with V-2s. On September 18-19, together with the 3./Technische Abteilung 91 (technical support troops), the rocket troops traveled under the cover of darkness, as it was very risky to be on the roads during daylight hours because of Allied air superiority. Heading through Bergen op Zoom to cross the Maas River at Dordrecht, they journeyed via De Bilt, Zwolle and Heerenveen, arriving at their destination on September 23, 1944. After arriving in Friesland, they set up operations in a small forested area called Rijs, south of the city of Balk. The Rijsterbos (Rijster Forest) was just off the waters of the IJsselmeer (Zuider Zee), a huge shallow lake in the center of Holland. —Henk Koopman 2017
A secondary supply route was used from Sneek, Hommerts Jutryp, Woudsend, Balk via the Wilhelminastraat. At the end of this street was restaurant Teernstra (where a window was damaged) where they went to the right into the Houtdyk to Kippenburg. At Kippenburg the rockets were transferred to the Meillerwagen erector trailer. The rockets were then moved a few kilometers southwest to the launching sites in the Rijsterbos. The deciduous forest was created in the 17th century as a coppice forest by an Amsterdam regent family named De Wildt. They lived in House Rijs. The garden, which was built around the castle, was also adjoining part of the Rijsterbos. Strung over the dark, unpaved, forested lanes of Murnserleane and Middenleane were large camouflage nets suspended high in the trees for further concealment from Allied aircraft. —Balk City Hall Records The residents of Rijs really had no idea what was going on. Never had so many German camouflaged military vehicles or so many soldiers been seen in their community. Soldiers were seen clearing trees, cutting branches and widening the roads. Brennschluss measuring trucks were located in the meadow of an adjacent farmer's property. Many people guessed the Germans were there because of the nearby IJsselmeer Dam and possible drops of Allied paratroopers, such as the drops that occurred near Nijmegen. It wasn't long before the Rijs citizens learned they must evacuate their homes to make way for German occupiers. About 400 German military personnel were billeted in various locations including: Hotel-cafe Kippenburg and the neighboring farm of Botte Schotanus, Hotel Jans, Hotel Rijsterbos, the villa of the Boerenschool, and in private houses near the Rijs area.
With the V-2
having a maximum range of approximately
200 to 230 miles, it was not possible to
target London from the location at Rijs.
Instead, Battery 444 turned its
attention to East Anglia and the
territory surrounding Norwich in eastern
England. Kammler was determined to
continue the strikes on the British
public from wherever possible, even it
if meant targeting lesser cities. On
September 25 at 18:05 hours, after the
trees and shrubs were sprayed with water
to lower the fire danger, Battery
444 launched its first rocket
toward northern England from
Murnserleane. Approximately five minutes
later, it impacted at Hoxne in Suffolk.
The rocket hit a farm field, inflicting
only minor damage to a few buildings
nearby. The residents in Balk were
shocked at the noise of the launch. On the
street it was said
it must be the V-2—a
large burning thing
had risen from the
forest and
disappeared in the
clouds. Everybody
was very frightened. That same day, the rocket troops encountered their first misfire. A rocket had to be drained of its remaining fuel after the engine failed to generate full thrust. The ignition cable was burnt as the engine continued to fire while not leaving the launch table. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the rudders and tail section had been severely scorched, so the rocket was sent back for refurbishing. Closer investigation of other rockets from the Mittelwerk had revealed many additional problems. Bad welds, missing parts, short-circuited electrical connections from inferior soldering—these were just some of the mechanical errors discovered. Not only did the crews face difficulties from the quality of the rockets, there also existed an acute shortage of liquid oxygen. German production had only reached a level of about 200 cubic meters per day, which is only enough to launch 24 rockets. The logistical problems of firing batteries on the move and V-2 units spread out from northern Holland to western Germany did not help matters. ![]() Below: Bridge at Kippenburg. Here was the location of the technical troops. Photos: Ed Straten (2000)
On the
afternoon of September 30 a V-2 was
launched from Murnserleane. It rose
to a height of 600 feet before an
explosion in the rocket’s tail
brought it crashing to earth about
20 yards from the firing table. The
alcohol and liquid oxygen tanks
exploded upon impact, injuring some
of the firing crew. The warhead
sizzled in the burning fuel and
exploded approximately 45 minutes
later, digging a huge crater. This
failed rocket had ironically
destroyed a small shrine in the
forest called Vredestempeltje
(Little Peace Temple). Because of
failures at Murnserleane, the launch
sites were moved a few hundred yards
to the roads of Middenleane and
Enkuizerlaan. —Henk Koopman, 2001
Below: Entrance to
Murnserleane, where many of the V-2s were fired. The
Peace Temple sits here.
Several weeks later, Wieger
Jurjen Draayer, a local farmer, was
riding his bicycle along the lanes just
beyond the Rijs Forest near Bakhuizen.
As there had been strange noises and
unknown things seen in the sky for the
past several weeks, Wieger was anxious
to get home. In the distance he suddenly
heard a thump followed by a tremendous
roar. The bicycle he was riding came to
a stop, and he let it fall to the
ground. Racing to a nearby ditch, he
peered out to witness a huge
steeple-shaped object trailing a tail of
fire rising from the forest ahead of
him. The object was arcing above him
when something went wrong. The noise
from the projectile ceased, followed by
a whistling as it fell from the sky.
There was a tremendous explosion some 70
yards from where Wieger hugged the side
of the ditch. Quickly, Wieger got on his
bicycle again and started peddling as
fast as he could. Tiny bits of material
were floating down all around him,
almost like snow. He noticed three dead
cows in the field near the forest. The
explosion left a crater some 20 feet
deep and 30 feet wide. As he approached
an intersection, a group of German
soldiers called for him to stop. The
soldiers were surprised to see the
farmer riding so close to the V-2
launching area. They asked if he was
injured and told him this was a
restricted area and to stay away in the
future. The dazed and confused Wieger
hurried to his home. —Jan Willem
Draijer, 2004
the Dutch residents of the
surrounding countryside, it was a
very nervous time. Every day they
could hear the thunderous noise of
the V-2 launches and lived in fear
that something might go wrong. As soon as the
residents of Rijs saw the
white-frosted tankers filled
with ice-cold oxygen go by,
they knew rockets would be
launched again.
The farmers soon knew if the
rocket did not rise vertically,
anything could happen. Failed
rockets would fall in the
immediate area, sometimes near the
residents’ homes. Other V-2s
encountered problems at higher
altitudes, and the farmers watched
them plunge into the waters of the
IJsselmeer just off shore. For the soldiers of
Battery 444, the stress
of the launches was just as
great. Many of them would
rather have been occupied with
some less hazardous job.
However, there was plenty of
Dutch gin to help them ease
their tensions. British
fighter planes searched the
area several times; however,
the ability of Battery 444
crews to launch and retreat
quickly made it difficult to
spot anything from the air.
The Rijsterbos V-2 sites, with
very tall trees, provided
excellent camouflage; but
there was always the
possibility of an air attack,
and the rocket troops were
very wary of this.
On October 03, marking
the second anniversary of the
first successful A-4 launched from
Peenemünde, the rocket troops at
Rijs fired six missiles toward the
Norfolk countryside. Throughout
the day, thunderous detonations
reverberated at regular intervals.
From their homes, the people of
Norwich could see huge columns of
black smoke in the distance rising
high into the air. The strikes
were gradually coming closer to
the populated sections of the
county. Late that evening, an
explosion rocked the Hellesdon
area. An estimated 400
houses within a two-mile radius
were damaged in some manner. The
following day British authorities
recovered the remains of a V-2,
which broke up in the air before
impact near Spixworth. The engine
and various important parts were
sent to Air Institute at
Farnborough for analysis. —Robert
Collis & Winston G. Ramsey,
The Blitz Then and Now Volume 3,
On Wednesday, October
04, 1944, a V-2 fired
from Middenleane
impacted around 1:45 PM
near a school at
Rockland St. Mary in
Norwich. The blast sent
the teachers and
students into
pandemonium as they were
pelted with debris and
glass shards. The
children were sent home
around 2:00 PM while
adults surveyed the
damage. Along with the
school, a number of
other buildings had been
damaged. Miraculously,
there had been no
fatalities. The final
casually list that day
included 23 injured. It
was the 14th missile to
land in Norfolk over the
past 10 days.
Norwich was extremely fortunate given that
the city was an infinitely smaller target
than London. Battery 444 dropped
missiles around the outskirts of the city.
V-2s came down at Kirby Bedon, Whitlingham,
Horsford, Horstead and Hellesdon. Whether or
not the residents of Norfolk knew what kind
of weapon was falling near them is
debatable. An imposed secrecy by government
officials surrounded the new weapon. Civil
defense authorities were not informed and
this left them baffled as to the cause of
the explosions. The first V-2 that fell on
September 29 at Ranworth, 15 km North-East
of Norwich, was recorded as a
plane crash even though the crater
was more than 7 meters deep. The
confusion persisted even after V-2
strikes at several other locations
the following days. —Robert
Collis, Jan van Der Veer &
Steve Snelling, 1994
After three weeks, Battery 444
disappeared from Gaasterland just as
quickly as it had arrived. The last
rocket fired from Rijs headed for the
port of Antwerp on the morning of
October 20. That afternoon at 16:00
hours the majority of the V-2 troops
left Gaasterland. A few soldiers and
means of transport were left behind,
most likely to complete some cleanup
work. The columns left via Sloten in the
direction of Sneek and comprised a total
of 71 vehicles, each driving under its
own power. SS General Kammler had
ordered the unit back to The Hague
following the failure of Market Garden.
From September 25 to October 20, Battery
444 launched 69 rockets from Rijs.
The first 43 rockets were launched
towards English countryside of East
Anglia; the others were fired against
the port of Antwerp.
Ever since the
first rocket was fired from
Rijs, British radar
momentarily tracked the
incoming missiles. In
addition, Allied pilots
reported sightings of
contrails from ascending
rockets near Gaasterland.
However, these only gave an
approximate location of the
firing positions. After
several weeks, an RAF
reconnaissance aircraft
brought back a photograph
showing clear evidence of
activity in the forest. On
October 21 a flight of
several Tempest fighter
bombers of the No. 274
Squadron RAF flew near the
Rijsterbos and finally
located the launching sites.
They flew by heading east,
just north of the forest,
and after forming up in a
line, the aircraft turned
back at 5.40 PM to attack
the area. They attacked
the surrounding houses and
buildings. Luckily, farm
animals were the only
victims of this attack,
although some civilians
narrowly escaped being hit.
It was very ironic that the
RAF found the launching
sites only an hour after the
last Battery 444
vehicles exited the area.
The British were unaware
that the rocket units were
gone, and the bombers
returned each of the next
few days to attack the
forest. By this time, the
firing platoons of Battery
444 were arriving in
The Hague to join Battalion
485 for operations
against London.
years later,
there are
still physical
reminders of
the rocket
Norfolk. A V-2
chamber, which
had been
converted into
a garden
ornament, is
among a host
of relics to
have found
their way into
the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum.
The physical
scars also
remain. The
depression in
the earth can
still be seen
at the impact
point known as
Mud Corner,
while at Great
Witchingham a
crater left by
a V-2 has been
extended and
landscaped. In
Shotesham, All
Norfolk, there
is a memorial
sign marking
the crater of
a V-2 that
impacted on
October 06,
1944. — More
information can be
found on the History
of Gaasterland
website — — The history of the Dendrology of the Rijsterbos —
Below: Shotesham, All Saints, 5 miles south of Norwich stands this marker.
![]() ![]() Videos below show the Rijsterbos (Rijs Forest) as seen today. Special thanks to Ed Straten, Bob Collis and Henk Koopman. |