on Remagen; Attacks On The Ludendorff Bridge
(Special thanks: Mikel Shilling, Detlev Paul, and
Wolfgang Gückelhorn)
events leading up to the capture of the
Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen in March
1945, and the fierce fighting and
unconventional German counterattacks that
followed, have been overlooked in most
accounts of the battle. The crossing of
the bridge at Remagen by the Americans was
only part of the story as the GIs moved
into the Westerwald region of the
Rhineland. Hitler's insistence the
Ludendorff Bridge be destroyed by any
means resulted in the first tactical use
of the V-2 ballistic missile against a
strategic target. Also, the Allied advance
in the region, along with dwindling rocket
fuel supplies, resulted in the retreat of
V-2 Battalion 836
(Art. Reg. 901) from the
Westerwald area.
were across the Rhine, on a
permanent bridge; the
traditional defensive barrier
to the heart of Germany was
pierced. The final defeat of
the enemy, which we had long
calculated would be
accomplished in the spring and
summer campaign of 1945, was
suddenly, now, just around the
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Lieutenant Karl Timmermann
looked out from his
vantage point on top of a
hill to the northwest of
Remagen, Germany, he was
stunned to see a beautiful
steel structure—a
still-standing railway
bridge over the Rhine
River. As he peered
through his binoculars,
Timmermann could see
thousands of fleeing
German soldiers and
civilians. Wehrmacht
troops had already
prepared the bridge for
The masses were crossing to
the east in an attempt to
escape the American forces
that were descending on the
resort town of Remagen.
It was March 7, 1945. A cold,
gray, chilly day. It was only hours
before, because of casualties among
ranking officers, that Timmermann, from
West Point, Nebraska, had been promoted to
commanding officer of Company A, First
Battalion, 27th Armored Infantry Regiment,
9th Armored Division.
Timmermann's company represented the lead
elements of a large American push to the
Rhine. They had arrived at a high point
overlooking the scenic resort town on the
west bank of the Rhine River, halfway
between Cologne and Koblenz.
Ever since it had crossed the
border farther north a few weeks earlier, the
9th Armored had been locked in fierce fighting
against German resistance. They had seen
comrades wounded, maimed, and killed.
Timmermann's men were exhausted, cold, angry,
and frightened. There seemed to be little reason
for unwarranted heroics, no one wanted to get
killed now, since it seemed Allied victory was
Major General John W.
Leonard's 9th Armored Division had left Fort
Riley, Kansas, in August 1944. They crossed the
Atlantic on the Queen Mary liner, and then spent
September in training in England. After crossing
the English Channel, the 9th joined the fight
during the Allied drive eastward across France.
Many of the men felt they had already
experienced their fair-share of combat. During
the German counterattack in December 1944—the
Battle of the Bulge—portions of the 9th Armored
and been used to fill gaps in Allied front
Following the battle in the Ardennes, the Allies
began steps for the final assault into Germany.
Siegfried Line and the Rhine River were the
last great barriers into Germany. The
long-delayed US Army thrust over the Röer River,
Operation Lumberjack, finally took place in
February, placing the US Army along the Rhine.
The Rhine represented the last major
geographical barrier to the Allied advance into
Germany. The 9th Armored Division had been in
training during the early weeks of 1945. They
returned to the front lines in late February
joining III Corps as it prepared to cross the
Röer River.
The First Army was headed to Cologne and
the industrialized Ruhr Valley. In the
greater scheme, Montgomery's troops were
given the task of forging a Rhine
crossing north of the Ruhr in February,
and the Americans were given a
supporting role. The 9th Armored
was part of 12th Army Group, under
Lieutenant General Courtney Hodges First
Army—south of Field Marshal Bernard
Montgomery's British 21st Army, and north
of Major General George Patton's Third
Army. Each of these were moving eastward
towards Nazi Germany with enormous supply
lines behind them.
Bradley's 12th Army Group would
support General Montgomery by capturing dams on the
Röer River and then pinching the Germans into a trap
west of the Rhine. Supporting the attack to the
Rhine, the 9th Armored's job was to push across the
Röer. However, the Germans countered by demolishing
the Röer dams and flooding the valley. This made the
Americans progress dangerous and slow.
Month's earlier; the purpose of
General Montgomery's Operation Market Garden had
been to capture bridges over the Rhine River. While
some Allied commanders had given up any aspirations,
a small contingent of Allied officials still held
out hopes of capturing an intact bridge over the
Rhine. It was in February of 1945 that General
Milliken's III Corps, part of Hodge's Army Group,
asked if there were any remaining bridges over the
Rhine? Milliken was told there would be no bridges
remaining intact by the time he reached the Rhine
River. The Germans were demolishing them before they
could be captured by Allied forces. Just as
predicted, on March 2nd two Rhine bridges—one at
Oberkassel, near Düsseldorf, and another just south
of Uerdingen—went up in a cloud of smoke as the
Americans approached.
Two standing bridges over the
Rhine were discovered—one at Bonn and another about
12 miles south at Remagen. Both bridges were in the
zone of the III Corps. American commanders began
planning a quick thrust in the hopes of capturing at
least one of these spans intact. However, the
Germans were fully aware of the American aspirations
to capture a bridge. For the men in charge of the
demolition the timing was sometimes precarious. With
German troops in retreat, the bridges could not be
blown too early as this would trap German forces on
the wrong side of the river. The demolition could
not be postponed too long, lest the Germans risked
enemy capture of the bridge.
The advance to the Röer started in
difficult weather conditions. Allied
divisions churned through the mud caused
by the recent thawing snow. Before
reaching the Röer, German engineers
released reservoirs that turned the
river into a rolling torrent.On February
28, 1945, Allied landing craft carried
the first wave of troops across the Röer
River. The first amphibious tanks and
DUKWs came through the swift currents.
The was the start of Operation GRENADE.
Soon engineers had also built ponton
bridges at various points.
C Company of the 284th
Engineer Combat Battalion put in a
Bailey bridge in Kreuzau, Germany (over
the Röer River), under artillery and
small arms fire. This was the longest
fixed Bailey bridge in the ETO. It was
254-foot long, built on the crumpled
arches from a previous bridge the
Germans had destroyed. This is where the
9th Armored crossed and moved down the
Rhine plain towards Remagen. Later on,
284th Engineer Combat Battalion would
play an unwitting part in the story of
the V-2 attacks on Remagen.
The Romans had first settled in
Remagen some 2,000 years earlier. During its
long history, the town was destroyed by
invading armies many times. Troops from
several nations had planted their flags in
Remagen and each time town was rebuilt. In
1945 Remagen was a community of
approximately 5,000 inhabitants.
For many years the winding
currents of the Rhine, the fine hotels and
river-side restaurants had brought resort
tourists to Remagen. On
the east bank a 600-foot cliff, known as
the Erpeler Ley (named after the town of
Erpel across from Remagen) juts skyward
from the east bank, and provided
scenic views for the tourists. But for
centuries the main attraction had been the
majestic St. Apollinaris Church with its
four spires, built on the ruins of the Roman
fort during the middle ages. At
Remagen the Rhine River is swift and about
300 yards wide. Upstream a bit (Rhine
River flows south to north), a tributary,
the Ahr, flows into the Rhine about one
mile from Remagen.
A railway bridge,
down the western slope from the town—the
Ludendorff Bridge—was the pride of
Remagen's inhabitants. The
bridge was one of three bridges built to
improve railway traffic between Germany
and France during World War I. Constructed
between 1916 and 1919, the bridge
consisted of two railway lines and
pedestrian catwalks. Russian prisoners of
war were used in the construction work.
The bridge section had a total length of
over 1,300 feet and it had two massive
foothills on the left bank vault openings,
each 100 feet in internal diameter. The
main part of the bridge formed a
1,066-foot-long steel structure which
consisted of the central two-hinged truss
arch bridge, flanked on both sides by
parallel anchor arms. The arch span was
with arms each measuring 278 feet. The
highest point of the arch bridge was 93
feet above the water. The height above the
normal water level of the Rhine was 48
feet. It was named for the World War I
German General Erich Ludendorff, one of
the proponents of this bridge.
The Ludendorff Bridge was
designed to connect the Right Rhine Railway, the
Left Rhine Railway and the Ahr Valley Railway
(Ahrtalbahn) to carry troops and supplies to the
Western Front. The 4,640-ton structure cost about
2.1 million marks during World War I. Since the
bridge was a major military construction project,
both abutments of the bridge were provided with
fortified foundations. These towers were equipped
with loopholes for the bridge crew, storage, and
accommodations for troops. From the flat roofs of
the towers there was a wonderful view over the
During the
design of the Ludendorff Bridge, the
architect was ordered to accommodate the use
of demolition methods, in case of eminent
enemy capture. The two bridge piers were
built as hollow shells, complete with
demolition chambers. Explosives could be
installed at the base of the piers in case
it came under attack. Electrical circuits,
protected by steel tubing, had been included
so engineers would be able to detonate the
bridge from the safety of the rail tunnel
beneath the Erpeler Ley. After WWI, French
authorities filled the demolition chambers
with concrete. In 1938 German engineers took
steps to prepare the bridge once again for
an emergency demolition. Zinc-lined
explosives containers were installed at key
structural points, while ignition wiring was
laid in steel tubing. In addition, primer
cords that could be ignited by hand were
installed as a backup. The bridge should be
easily destroyed with minimal preparation.
In the tunnel through the Erpeler Ley on
the east bank, an electrical ignition for
explosives had been installed. The control
switch was located in the tunnel entrance,
along with a primer cord backup. More
charges had been installed under the
approach road on the western side of the
Rhine. A slow grade brought the railway
traffic up to the bridge, to stone
archways, the same height of the bridge on
the west bank.
Months earlier, it was American
airpower that threatened the Ludendorff
Bridge. In an
attempt to stop the German
retreat from France, the 9th
US Air Force carried out a
series of daylight bombing
raids on the rail crossings at
Düsseldorff, Cologne, Remagen,
and Koblenz. The Germans
responded by deploying
engineering units to maintain
and repair the bridges along
the Rhine. On October 19,
1944, the Ludendorff Bridge
suffered damage from one of
these raids, but was reopened
two weeks later. Although the
bridges were hard to hit, the
towns nearby suffered greatly
from the bombings. During the
winter of 1944-45 there were
over sixty residents killed in
There were several men defending
Remagen whose names would forever be linked to the
story of the Bridge at Remagen. Captain Karl
Friesenhahn was the German engineer in charge of the
small group of men whose job it was to destroy the
Ludendorff Bridge at the precise moment to prevent
its capture. Captain
Willi Bratge, a
decorated German officer, was the military
commander in charge of defense of the bridge.
At his disposal was one company of
the German 80th Infantry Replacement and Training
Battalion. The men under
Captain Bratge were convalescing soldiers. Over
the winter months Captain Bratge managed to
build a series of outposts along the
Victoriasberg heights west of the town. He also
set up a guardroom in the Waldberg Hotel
overlooking Remagen. Flak units were deployed on
the heights to defend the bridge, along with
1/535th Heavy Railway Detachment. As the winter
ground begin to thaw, the people of Remagen
noticed increased military activity in the area.
They knew soon the battle would come to their
homes. At the end of February Bratge was
informed that they would, in future, report to
Lieutenant General Botsch of the Field Army, the
new commandant for the stretch of the Rhine
between Bonn and Remagen. Fifth Panzer Army’s
take over from XII Army Corps was further
complicated by a reorganization of the front
9th Armored was now part of
Combat Command B under III Corps,
supporting the infantry as they advanced
towards the Rhine. The "combat command"
was a flexible organization that did not
have dedicated battalions. Instead,
tank, armored infantry, and armored
field artillery battalions, as well as
smaller units of tank destroyers,
engineers, and mechanized cavalry were
assigned as needed in order to
accomplish any given mission.
Brigadier-General William M Hoge ordered
his troops to split into three armoured
columns and managed to establish a
bridgehead across the Neffel River,
battling German rearguards along the
way. The
columns managed to reach Neiderberg on
March 2, and captured a bridge in the
center of the town. Turning south,
Combat Command B went through Bodenheim
and managed to cross the Erft and take
Wuscheid and Grossebullesheim easily.
The Germans were in retreat as 52nd
Armored Infantry Battalion joined Combat
Command B ready for the final stage of
the advance to the Rhine.
German General von Botsch
traveled to the Rhineland to inspect the
troops in early March. He discovered in
Remagen that Captain Bratge had only
thirty-six men, along with a handful of
engineers and AA gun crews, to defend the
bridge. Bratge would need more men. On
March 5, 1945, von Botsch promised to send
a battalion of men to assist Bratge.
However, on March 6, the 9th Armored was
already just eight miles from the Rhine.
Combat Command B advanced
through the town of Esch as the 27th
Armored Infantry Battalion advanced
towards Morenhoven. As Combat Command B
entered Flerzheim they saw white flags
hanging from the windows as found the
German troops had fled. Ahead lay the town
of Stadt Meckenheim. 27th Armored Infantry
Battalion came under fire as it entered
the town, but resistance quickly came to
an end. Brigadier-General Hoge set up his
headquarters in the town. Stadt Meckenheim
had been devastated by Allied bombing
attacks. Engineers had a big job to clear
the streets of rubble to make way for the
vehicles to pass. Meanwhile, in Remagen,
German troops were streaming over the
Ludendorff Bridge to escape the American
The next morning, March 7,
Hoge decided to split his command into two
task forces, each one comprising of a mix
of tanks and infantry mounted in
halftracks. Because of the light
resistance the tanks could expect to reach
the Rhine River by afternoon. Armored cars
of the 89th Reconnaissance would scout the
roads ahead. Whenever a German rearguard
was located, the poorly equipped enemy
usually surrendered with little
resistance. Combat Command B had two
objectives. Moving southeast, they should
capture the crossings over the River Ahr
at Bodendorf and Sinzig. The Division
would then be able to continue to push
south along the Rhine towards Seventh
Army. The next objective objective was to
clear the west bank of the Rhine near
Remagen. No
one really believed the bridge would
actually be standing much longer, so the
orders didn’t even mention a bridge as
the objective.
In the
early hours of March 7, 1945, a
portion of 9th Armored's forces,
the 60th Armored Infantry
Battalion, was on the move. Under
the command of Lieutenant-Colonel
Collins, three groups, each
containing a rifle company and a
tank platoon, drove quickly
through the night in the hope of
cutting off thousands of German
troops heading for the Rhine. The
columns soon passed through
Altendorf and Gelsdorf where they
encountered hundreds of Germans.
Collins ordered his men to keep
moving and let the rear echelon
units round the prisoners up. The
Germans were taken completely by
surprise. Soon the tanks and
halftracks moved through
Vettelhovgen and Bolingen, towards
Lantershofen, reaching the
objective at 2:00 AM. They would
stop here while the rest of the
division completed its advance to
the Rhine.
In Remagen, as the
Americans approached, Hauptmann
Bratge was greatly concerned.
German soldiers had continued to
cross the bridge to the east
bank for several days. There was
talk of American forces close
behind. The reinforcements
promised by General Botsch had
not arrived and there was no
organized opposition on the west
bank. Unbeknownst to Bratge,
Botsch had been transferred to
command LIII Corps earlier that
day without having the chance to
brief his successor, Major
General Richard von Bothmer.
Soon Bratge ordered thirty-six
men onto the Victoriasberg
Heights to watch for signs of
American troops.
on March 7 the
German Fifteenth
Army informed
LXVII Corps that
it had been given
responsibility for
the bridge.
General Hitzfeld
was told that he
must send a staff
officer to
establish a
bridgehead. Major
was instructed to
take command of
the troops already
there, picking up
any straggler
troops heading
towards the river.
He was also appointed
to take overall
organize the
defenses, and if
supervise the
destruction of
the bridge—with
no knowledge of
the bridge, its
systems or
Major Scheller,
accompanied by
Captain Vasel and
one other, drove
off into the night
at 3:00 AM. The
40-mile journey
would take more
than eight hours
as they navigated
the crowded roads.
Back in
Hoge called
together his
officers. With
the knowledge
that most of
the retreating
Germans would
be heading for
the bridge at
Remagen, Hoge
sent out two
the northern
commanded by
Engeman of the
14th Tank
would head
entering the
woods covering
one of the
the Rhine. The
left flank of
the column
would be
covered by the
1st Battalion
of the 310th
Regiment. The
would be town
of Remagen. Lieutenant
Timmermann was
called to a
meeting at
14th Tank
were informed
by Lieutenant
Engeman of the
imminent push
to Remagen and
the Rhine.
would be
heading up the
accompanied by
a platoon of
new powerful
M26 Pershing
The 52nd
under the
command of
William M
Prince, would
lead the
column. Tasked
with securing
over the Ahr
River at
Westum and
Sinzig, the
52nd moved out
shortly after
7:00 AM.
Because of
heavy rubble
in the roads
from the
the planned
route had to
be altered
with Prince’s
south via
Gelsdorf and
Eckendorf, and
then rejoining
its prescribed
route at
Engeman's 14th
Tank Battalion
was forced to
wait while
engineers had
cleared the
road to
Adendorf of
Both columns
progressed at
a steady pace
making good
time. As they
each town with
care, they
were happy to
find no signs
of German
Each village
and town was
entered with
no opposition.
By the time
the 52nd
column reached
Fritzdorf, the
recce element
was able to
begin scouting
ahead. By 9:00
AM the column
had reached
Oeverich and
where some of
the lead
became stuck
in the mud. Lieutenant-Colonel
decided to
reroute the
rest of the
column through
Gimmingen to
the south.
came from
Germans in the
local church
tower, but was
soon silenced.
The 52nd
Bodendorf, and
It was in Sinzig that
the 52nd Armored
captured a bridge over
the River Ahr. As the
columns approached the
town they were met with
enemy fire from prepared
emplacements. The 75mm
of the Sherman tanks
took care of this and
the American halftracks
and infantry pushed into
town. German engineers
attempted to blow the
bridge, but the
demolition charges
failed. The Americans
were quickly over the
bridge and captured the
town. By 1:00 PM
Prince's columns had
taken all of their
objectives. He reported
75 enemy killed and
close to 400 captured.
Under a drizzly
gray morning sky,
advance had
started at 7:00
AM. Making their
way through
roadblocks and
ambushes, the
force drove
through one
village after
another, each town
decorated with the
white linen of
surrender from
windows. Later
that afternoon
Timmermann’s jeep
emerged from a
forest road onto a
curve and ahead
and below of him
was the Rhine wine
valley. He also
saw the incredible
sight of the
Ludendorff Bridge,
still standing.
A few days before the Americans
reached Remagen, German troops had been
hurriedly laying wooded planks between the
railway ties on the bridge to form a smooth
roadbed for motor vehicles to cross.
Remagen's streets were clogged with what was
left of the German motorized army, all
fleeing over the bridge. On the morning of
March 7, Captain Bratge was on the western
approaches of the bridge attempting to sort
out all of the traffic congestion. He really
should have been tending to matters of
defense of the town. The Americans were only
a few miles away.
While the fleeing traffic
hummed over the bridge, the German engineers
under Karl Friesenhahn were on the bridge
finalizing the placement of demolition
charges and checking the electric circuits.
Mines and barbwire were in place. A large
explosive charge was installed under the
arch supports of the rise on the western
approach to the bridge. It was
hoped that this would, at least temporarily,
slow down American vehicles and armor.
With the sounds of guns and shellfire
getting closer, Major Hans Scheller arrived on this
scene around 11:00 AM. He found Captain Bratge still
directing traffic. He immediately informed Bratge of
his orders to assume command of combat troops.
Bratge was at first relieved, because he thought
this was the long-awaited assistance Remagen had
been waiting for. But his hopes were dashed when
Scheller informed him there were no reinforcements
Smashing their way through half-hearted
resistance, the Americans were only a few miles from
the bridge. At the front of the advance, Timmermann
could see through his binoculars the bridge
cluttered with soldiers, civilians, vehicles and
even livestock. Timmermann sent a runner off to Col.
Engeman with a request for tanks and artillery, but
the request was turned down. Instead, the battalion
was ordered to keep moving forward in attack. Coming
down through the hills over-looking the northwest of
Remagen, Timmermann’s company and a handful of tanks
steered their way cautiously through the narrow
streets of the old city.
The infantry cleaned out the town in 2 hours.
As the Americans
approached the western side of the bridge, a
deafening explosion sent earth and rocks
skyward. Captain Friesenhahn had just set
off his first charge that took out a 30-foot
section of the stone archway that connected
the approach embankment with the steel
Through his binoculars,
Timmermann could see the German engineers
scurrying about making final preparations to
bring the bridge down. The Americans moved
on up, so as to have a good view of the
pyrotechnics show.
Just then, orders came
down on the radio from General Hodges to
take the bridge. Hoge
had a report from captured German
soldiers that stated the bridge was
to be blown up at 4:00 PM. Hoge
informed Engeman to speed up attack,
it was then about 3:30 PM. At
the same time, Captain Friesenhahn was
making final adjustments and could blow the
bridge at any moment.
battalion commander
asked Timmermann, "Do
you think you can get
your company across that
bridge?" Timmermann
responded, "Well, we can
try. What
if the bridge
blows up in my
The battalion commander
didn't answer, he just
walked away.
Friesenhahn blasted the
approaches, it was a sign to
Captain Bratge that the
Americans were close to crossing
the bridge. When Friesenhahn
made it back to Bratge, and
reported the Americans were at
the steps of entering the
bridge, Bratge said, "Blow up
bridge now!" Friesenhahn said,
"I cannot, only Major Scheller
can give the order!" At that
moment, Major Scheller was on
the other end of the Erpeler Ley
tunnel, more than 1,000 feet
away from Bratge.
Bratge dashed off and ran to the
other end of the tunnel where he
told Scheller, "If you don't
give the order to blast the
bridge, I will do so myself!"
Scheller quickly replied, "Then
go ahead and blast the bridge."
Minutes past before Bratge could
run back to within earshot of
Friesenhahn. He yelled out to
him, "Friesenhahn,
the bridge!"
below: Views of Remagen and the
Ludendorff Bridge in March of
1945. Gen. Hoge made decisive
decision to take the bridge.
the west bank the available tanks and
artillery began shelling the entrance to
the Erpeler Lay railway tunnel on the
opposite side. Timmermann shouted to his
men, “Alright, we’re going across!” His
men, although leery of their suicide
mission, rose to their feet and moved
forward. Friesenhahn could see the
American soldiers approaching. Friesenhahn
shouts, "Full cover, full
cover!" Everybody in the
tunnel lies down on the ground
in order to escape the
tremendous blast that is about
to occur.
On Major Scheller’s order, he took
hold of the firing mechanism, made
last connections, and twisted the
handle. Instead of an explosion, the
bridge sat motionless; there was
nothing—nothing except the sounds of
American shells bursting around the
tunnel entrance.
Maybe shellfire broke the connections?
Whatever it was that caused the
demolition failure, there was no time to
investigate. While in the tunnel several
hundred German soldiers and civilians
huddled in fear, Friesenhahn had one of
his men run out and light the primer
cord fuse. This was possible because of
the haze caused by smoke shells sent
over by the Americans to blind the
Germans during the bridge assault.
A few seconds more, then a tremendous
explosion shook area. The Americans
witnessed the bridge rise into the air
from the piers. Timmermann and his men
were only seconds away from assaulting
the bridge when this detonation
occurred. Seconds later, after the smoke
dissipated, witnesses on both sides of
the river were shocked to see the bridge
still standing. The
charges had blown large holes on the
roadbed planking on the bridge and twisted
some of the girders at the pier
connections. Timmermann looked down the
1,000-foot length of the bridge and
noticed the pedestrian catwalks on each
side were still in place. He could also
see German engineers running about,
presumably preparing a second blast.
Just as Company A started towards the bridge
again, machine gun fire from one of the stone
towers on the west bank pinned them down. American
tanks close by quickly obliterated that threat.
Timmermann and his company rushed onto the bridge.
A platoon of Pershing tanks provided cover against
German machine gun fire coming from towers on the
east end of the bridge, the infantrymen rushed
forward, zigzagging from girder to girder. They
were joined by American engineers from
2nd Platoon, Company B, 9th Armored
Engineer Battalion (Lieutenant Hugh Mott,
Staff Sergeant John Reynolds, and Sergeant
Eugene Dorland)
who were locating and severing the wires to
additional unexploded charges. All the while,
small arms fire from the Germans was glancing off
the girders around them.
American tanks on the west bank opened up
on a German barge that was submerged about
200 yards up river off the east bank.
Shells quickly silenced the sniper fire
coming from the barge. However, the
American assault of the bridge had bogged
down. A
portion of the catwalk had been
severed on the upstream side, at
the east bank pier, where the
bridge demolitions had exploded.
The men were very apprehensive of moving
forward with lack of cover, all bunched
together. One of Timmermann's platoon
leaders, Sergeant Joe DeLisio, got moving.
Gallantly, DeLisio ran forward in the hail
of bullets. Screaming orders, Timmermann
followed after him, which prompted the
others to keep moving too.
again ran back through the tunnel to
Scheller to report the failure of the
detonation, but soon calls for Bratge
beckon him. He runs again through the
huddled masses of men, women, and
children, and as he arrives
Friesenhahn yells, "Americans on the
bridge!" Bratge calls out,
"Counterattack! We must throw them
back, there can't be many of them!"
The shell fire at the entrance to the
tunnel prevents this. Bratge looks for
more men, any soldiers in the tunnel.
Bratge wonders why Major Scheller's
Lieutenants are not coming forward to
help in the fight?" He soon discovers
that Scheller and the two lieutenants
have fled the area from the opposite
end of the tunnel.
Across the bridge, DeLisio made it
to the base of one of the stone
towers on the east bank. He kicked
in the door and ran up the stairs,
surprising three Germans huddled
around a jammed machine gun. They
immediately surrendered and DeLisio
threw the machine gun from the
window of the tower. Seeing this,
the other men rushed the second
tower and secured it too.
intended to get all
available men out of the
tunnel and gather
together near Osberg and
launch a counterattack.
But as they started to
leave the tunnel on the
far side of Erpeler Ley,
gun fire and hand
grenades met them. The
Americans had crossed
over the mountain and
found the tunnel exit of
the other side. Bratge
can hardly believe the
Americans crossed the
mountain so fast.
The Americans were now across the Rhine. Sergeant
Alexander A. Drabik of Holland,
Ohio, was the first American soldier
to cross this bridge.
The infantry formed a defensive perimeter
while the engineers continued cutting wires
and disabling charges. Timmermann and
DeLisio concentrated on clearing out any
threat still remaining from within the
railway tunnel. Making their way
from the bridge to the tunnel entrance, and
then further inside, they made their way
cautiously in the dark to the bend. DeLisio
and his men can hear German voices not far
away. They threw a few hand grenades and fired
a few bursts. Soon a stream of German soldiers
and civilians, hoisted a white flag, and
exited the tunnel.
Later that evening, when word of the
bridge's capture reach Allied commanders,
the US First Army began funneling all
available troops towards Remagen.
Motorized regiments from the 9th and 78th
Infantry Divisions, joined by a number of
other units, were routed to the bridge
crossing. The Americans were going to
secure their hold on the bridge as soon as
possible. After engineers had erected a
Bailey bridge spanning the section of the
blown approaches on the west side of the
bridge, a platoon of tanks and tank
destroyers were sent over. However, by
midnight, only 5 tanks had made it across,
this was because one of the tank
destroyers had fallen through a hole in
the planking. At 03:00 hrs it was pushed
through the bridge into the river and
vehicles began to cross again.
As soon as the news
came that the Americans
were over the Rhine,
Hitler ordered the immediate
destruction of the bridge using
any and all means possible. German
counterattacks that night were fierce.
Reserves were brought up to at least try
and destroy the bridge. The American tank
crews, in some cases, were throwing hand
grenades from their hatches as the German
infantry were right on top of them. Their
orders were to hold their ground—even if
their tanks were shot out from under them. By
daybreak the counterattacks were beaten
Even so, on March 8, the
Germans attacked with two (under-strength)
panzer divisions. The 9th and 11th
Panzer Divisions hurried to
engage the American 9th
objective being to push the
Americans back across the
Rhine and destroy the
These efforts
were stopped by the units of the 9th and
47th Infantry Regiments. Nearly 1,000
troops, along with tanks and artillery,
had crossed the bridge by nightfall.
Company A
of the 14th Tank
Battalion, using the new
90mm guns of the M26
Pershing tanks, had the
range needed to take on
the counterattacking
German armor on the east
That same day ten
including eight
Ju-88 Stuka
attacked the
bridge, scoring
two close hits.
However, three of
the Stukas were
shot down and
probably most
received damage.
chief Hermann
Göring had
asked for
volunteers to
fly a suicide
against the
bridge. Many
but the idea
was dismissed
when it was
explained the
bombs could
not be armed
while attached
to the
The Stukas
from the south
along the
river around
3,000 feet.
The radars
acquired them
at that
altitude, and
guns fired
away. Despite
the AAA fire,
the bombers
took no
action. Some
their bombs
reaching the
bridge, and
one or two
bombs did fall
on the western
approach to
the bridge.
This would be
as close as
the Luftwaffe
would come to
the bridge
that day.
This action
started a
great rush of
artillery to
the Remagen
area. In a few
days, the
whole area was
a giant mass
units. 37mm,
40mm automatic
cannon, and
guns ringed
the area.
Although the
presence of
hundreds of
guns and
machine guns
ensured the
safety, the
full strength
of the
with Remagen
did not occur
until March
10, 1945. However,
before this
buildup, the
launched air
strikes that
had an
chance to
destroy the
bridge. The
story of
defense was
of the initial
around the
bridge in the
first 72
hours, not the
huge buildup
that followed.
The battalions
added to the
defense after
March 10 were
a statement of
rather than
response to
counter with
quick air
attacks was
the right one.
Even the use
of the
outdated Ju-88
was the
Despite heavy
losses, the
Stuka was
probably the
one aircraft
that could
have brought
the bridge
down early on.
Given the
weakened state
of the bridge,
just one
500-pound bomb
against a
girder or
weakened truss
could have
caused the
structure to
collapse. But
after the
mission of
March 8, the
decided to use
its most
aircraft to
attack the
On March 9 an
assortment of
aircraft were
sent to attack
the bridge.
Early that
morning, these
included the
Bf-109, and
Me-410. Later
in the day, III./KG76 flew
against the
Remagen bridge.
Three Arado
were sent,
along with
some Me-262s
flying cover.
But the AAA
was very heavy
and one Ar-234
was shot down,
one other
missing. On
March 11 two
more Ar-234s
from III./KG76
attacked the
bridge. On
March 12 four
Ar-234s came
over at noon,
followed by
twelve more,
escorted by
Me-262s flying
cover, later
that day. The
next day
nineteen Arado
attack again
On March 10,
1945, a
decision was
made to build
two temporary
ponton bridges
spanning the
river. Repairs
were needed on
the Ludendorff
Bridge, but
the Allies did
not want to
slow the
movement of
thousands of
troops and
supplies over
the Rhine and
into Germany.
Under German
fire and
attacks, the
51st and 291st
constructing a
ponton and
bridge, as
well as a
ferry system
with pontons
and landing
craft to put
even more
Allied troops,
tanks, and
weaponry over
the Rhine.
While the M26
Pershing tanks
were too heavy
to cross the
bridge, they
were soon
across using
the new ferry
system. During
the following
days several
divisions were
ferried across
the river. The
area of the
bridgehead was
expanded with
the 99th
Division, the
9th Armored
Division, and
78th Infantry
Division all
crossing to
the east bank
of the Rhine
victory for
the Allies and
a devastating
for the German
defenders of
the Ruhr. The
Americans had
been simply
too swift for
any potential
Nazi counters.
On March 14,
eleven Ar-234s
turned their
attention to
the newly
ponton bridge
south of the
Bridge. The
Luftwaffe jets
flak, and if
that was not
enough, they
were pounced
by RAF
Tempests and
along with
long-range US
and P-51s. At
least 5 German
aircraft were
downed. On
March 15,
German jet
attacked the
bridge with
poor results.
batteries shot
down more than
half of these
aircraft. The
defense of the
Remagen Bridge
ranks as one
of the
battles in
Engineers of the 276th
Engineer Combat Battalion and of the
1058th Port Construction and Repair
Detachments were required to make repairs
to the bridge. After its capture on March
7th, the steel-girder construction
suffered stress from the German artillery
fire and from the bombardment by the
Luftwaffe. Added to this were the shocks
caused by American heavy artillery nearby
and the heavy equipment brought onto the
these ten days the soldiers billeted
in Remagen and on the east bank were
not only witness to the German
efforts in the sky, but also to the
heavy artillery barrage slung by the
Germans into the bridgehead. Over
100 pieces of artillery including
150mm light howitzers, along with
heavy 210mm howitzers, ringed the southeastern
edge of the bridgehead and caused
many a G.I. to shudder as shells
landed west of the Rhine. The
greatest damage was done in the town
of Remagen, as the combat troops
east of the Rhine in the bridgehead
were relatively well-protected by
the steep Erpeler Ley.
below: American troops and
armor across the Rhine. The
heavy M26 Pershing tanks had
to be ferried across,
while the lighter-weight
Sherman tanks could cross over
the planking laid on the
Ludendorff Bridge.
was incensed that the Americans had not been
repelled by conventional forces. He ordered
all available means of attack to be directed
at the bridge, even the eccentric. The
bridgehead was bombarded by a
17-centimeter railway-mounted
artillery gun (drawn
up on the
southeastern edge
of the bridgehead);
new jet aircraft such as the Arado AR-234B
and the Messerschmitt ME-262 fighter-bomber;
the use of underwater
scuba men (they were to swim down the Rhine in
an attempt to place demolitions on the piers);
and finally V-2 rockets to strike the
bridgehead area. Even though the bridge was
probably the aiming point for the V-2 attacks,
Hitler’s objective was not to strike the
bridge so much as it was to disrupt the whole
area with the rocket attacks. Hitler was sure that
his V-2s would cauterize the
whole bridgehead area. He
envisioned 50–100 missiles over a two or
three-day period, but at this point in the war
there was no way the rocket troops could
muster such an effort.
V-2s on
On March 14, 1945, German General
Bayerlein received an urgent
communiqué from the Führer concerning
the American bridgehead at Remagen.
The General Staff was shocked when
they learned Hitler was ordering the
use of V-2s against targets on German
soil. When the Führer was reminded of
German civilians living in Remagen and
the surrounding areas, he demanded the
rocket attacks go forward regardless
of casualties to civilians. Bayerlein
when the
troops heard
of Hitler’s
fantastic plan
to use a
weapon as a
weapon close
to the front
lines, "the
knowledge of
did not
increase the
soldiers’ will
to resist on
piece of
ground." Late
that evening, because of the
accuracy problems with the V-2,
the German soldiers fighting in
the bridgehead were pulled back
about nine miles from the front
lines. This move puzzled some of
the Allied commanders at first.
However, contemplation of a
coming V-weapon attack on the
bridgehead had been discussed.
security blackout hushed the
news of the possible threat to
the bridge posed by German
V-bomb attacks. The
US commanders
decided to keep
any talk of this
possibility quiet
and not spread
among the troops.
The V-2s were a far more
deadly form of the
"pilotless aircraft" which
had pounded London ever
since the invasion of
Normandy. The "buzz-bomb,"
or V-1, packed less of a
punch, traveled more
slowly, was easy to shoot
down, and always gave an
advance warning, The
V-2 announced its presence
with a sudden rush of air,
a tremendous supersonic
impact, and gave no
On March 16 the
Germans began their
strongest effort yet
to bring down the
Ludendorff bridge.
That morning shells
larger than 88mm came
over and on March 17
several giant
projectiles from the
tank mounted piece
called the Karl
howitzer landed in
Remagen. Commander of
the German rocket
forces, SS General
Kammler, received orders
to attack Remagen and
immediately issued
commands to the SS 500
crews at Hellendoorn,
130 miles to the north
of Remagen, to fire on
the American bridgehead.
SS 500
had been
firing since
March 8 from
the older
launch sites
at Hellendoorn in the Netherlands. Despite fuel
problems, the
troops were
able to muster
11 rockets for
the attack on
March 17,
1945. If the
unit was given
the assignment
because of
employment of
the guide-beam
equipment, the
decision was
erroneous. The
new Leitstrahl
could not be
used for the
attacks on
because the
was already
situated for
semi permanent
operations in
the direction
of Antwerp; it
could not be
moved on such
short notice.
the crews
began firing
at 9:45 AM and
throughout the
day until the
eleventh round
tilted toward
Remagen around
9:45 PM. All
hit near
Remagen except
for one, which
came down some
40 kilometers
away near
For the
fighting in
the sight of
V-2s rising in
the distance
uncommon. The
being, these
rockets were
being fired at
Antwerp from
rocket troops
positioned in
forest to the
east. Anti-aircraft observers scanning
the skies for
enemy aircraft
over Remagen
had been able
to spot the
V-2s rising
from Battalion
836 (Art. Reg.
901) at Hachenburg and watched as the rockets passed
overhead on
the way to
Antwerp. 413th
AAA battery's
spotted two
more being
launched on
March 16 and
watched as
they tore out
of sight into
6:15 AM a
vapor trail,
from the
ground was
through a
while a net
message was
being run.
Around 6:45 AM
the same was
again. It was
believed that
the trails
were from
V-2s." The last rocket from Hachenburg area was launched
around 3:00 PM
on March 16,
1945. The
failing supply
of rocket fuel
and Allied
advance at
caused Battalion 836 (Art. Reg. 901) to be the first
V-2 launching
unit to halt
Of the eleven
rockets fired
from Holland
on March 17,
1945, the
first round
ended up
closest to the
bridge. Just
before impact
the missile
broke up
over Kasbach
southeast of
bridge) and
rocket parts
over a wide
area of the
town. Parts of
the rocket
motor crashed
through the
roof of the
belonging to
Debris smashed
into Erpeler
Ley and the
chamber was
buried in the
The warhead came down around 9:54 AM in the backyard of
a house
belonging to a
farmer named
Herman Joseph
Lange. This
farm was
500-800 yards
of the
bridge. A
dozen US
soldiers were
billeted in
this house;
three of them
were killed
instantly. In
the short time
the Americans
had been
staying at the
home of Joseph
Lange, the
family had
already become
close to the
men, some who
were now dead.
The rocket
impact, so
close to the
bridge, shook
the ground
with a
boom and
In the
explosion 18
farm animals
were also
killed. The
missile had
been seen and
tracked by
observers near
the bridge --
"At 09:55
hours, while
tracking two
German planes,
at 9500 ft,
flying west to
east, AAA
units observed
an object
bomb pass
across the
track of
The object
fell in a
direction east
to west with
producing at
least two loud
booms. Several
pieces of
aluminum scrap
fell, some in
our battery
about 10:34 AM the second rocket
launched from Holland impacted
approximately 8km west/northwest
of the bridge near the town of
Birresdorf. Around
12:20 PM, a third V-2 fell about a
half a mile from the bridge, close to
the Apollinaris Church in Remagen.
This round destroyed several buildings
near the church including the command
post of B Company 284th Engineer
Combat Battalion (1159th Group),
killing another three men and injuring
31 others and causing collateral
damage to buildings within 1,000
meters. The impact shook every
structure in the city.
impact was
witnessed by
observers of
the 413th
AAA Gun Battalion.
Later, while examining the railroad bridge,
men at a 40mm gun section were questioned
and they told of a double explosion at about
12:30 hours. They had a piece of aluminum
with ice on it which had fallen near them
immediately after the explosion.
At 3:18 PM, the fourth rocket
impacted about 300 meters
north of the parish church in
the town of Nierendorf, 7km
of the bridge.
The diary
of the Priest
recounted much
damage to the church, nearly
all windows were destroyed and
parsonage building was
strongly damaged. At 3:44 PM a
fifth V-2 came down about 7km
northwest of the Ludendorff
Bridge in the town of
Oedingen. The rocket hit in
middle of street
Johannisstraße, destroying
several houses and dug out a
huge crater. Three houses
along that street were swept
away by the explosion.
According to Oedingen city
records, six people died and
numerous citizens of Oedingen
and American soldiers were
Further into the
evening, six more rockets fell
in the surrounding
countryside. The launching
times of the eleven V-2s from
Hellendoorn are accurately
listed in the war diary of the
SS Werfer Abteilung 500, also
in two teletype messages of
the army. Even before
the last of the 11 rockets had
been launched, General Kammler
sent a request to Army Group B
for a report on explosions
observed in Remagen
bridgehead. He wanted details
of place, time and effect.
Kammler had also assigned an
observation officer from the
rocket division to the main
front. Any observation was
made difficult because of the
American advance in the area.
Because of the size of the
target area and the features
of the terrain, accurate
spotting from troops and
artillery observation posts
was extremely difficult—only
one report was given. The
Volks Artillery Corps 409
described some strikingly loud
noises of explosions and
reported a powerful detonation
at about 9:50 AM near the
The Americans had established
a powerful radar system in
Europe for the detection of
launching sites as well as
impact sites of V-weapons. The
report "Big Ben Incidents
Remagen" notes eleven V-2
impacts and impact times. The
impact sites were either
observed by soldiers on the
ground or by units in charge
of the identification of
hostile artillery positions.
The report also notes the
positioning of the
above-mentioned radar
stations. Furthermore six of
the impacts were confirmed by
reports of contemporary
witnesses or by discovery of
V-2 remains.
Some 200 engineers from the
276th Combat Engineer Battalion and 1058th
Bridge Construction and Repair Group were
working on the Ludendorff Bridge, attempting
to strengthen its weakened framework. Just
after 3:00 PM, the engineers began to hear
popping rivets and screeching steel. A few
seconds later the structure began to shake.
Those that could, dropped their tools and
sprinted to get off the bridge. The medium
part toppled downstream into
the current of the Rhine,
while the side-frames glided
down the pier into the river.
Many of the engineers working in the middle
of the framework had no chance to flee the
long, 1,000-foot structure. With a wretched,
sickening crash, and the screams of doomed
men, the structure collapsed into the icy,
fast rushing waters of the Rhine. The final
casualty toll was 28 dead and 63 injured.
John Morgado of
16th Armored Division
was out on the
bridge, but only at
the near edge. When
it came down, the
noise and the sight
of the falling
soldiers was very
frightening. I was
afraid that the rest
of the bridge would
go, and all of us
would meet the same
end. I looked down
to see the men,
several of whom I
knew, trying to keep
their heads above
the water, but
because they had on
heavy gear and the
river was flowing so
swiftly they
couldn’t. All 28 of
those engineers
drowned, and 93 more
Americans were
wounded, right there
in front of me.
Patton then ordered
us to build a new
bridge for the tanks
to cross the Rhine.
Our engineering
group tied together
pontons and
tread-ways one at a
time next to the
span and floated
them across the
river, no mean task
with the river
flowing so rapidly.
It was dangerous
work. Once we
constructed this
bridge the tanks
could cross again.
Over the next 10
days 25,000 troops,
2,500 vehicles and
tons of equipment
swarmed across that
and several other
ponton bridges into
military history. It
was known as the
'Miracle' of
If the earth-shaking
rocket attacks did not
substantially contribute
to the collapse of the
bridge, it is certainly
a strange coincidence
that the bridge fell
into the river the same
day. In describing the
1.4 billion foot-pounds
of force created by a
single V-2 hitting the
earth at 3,000 mph,
General Dornberger
touted it equal to
“fifty locomotives, each
weighing a hundred tons,
impacting the ground at
60 mph.” However, the
majority of the V-2’s
energy is converted to
heat on impact—much of
the shock-wave goes up
and in the soil much
more energy is converted
to frictional heat. In a
dense city the blast
wave from the speed of
impact could cause
considerable damage to
nearby buildings, but
steel bridges are
generally very difficult
targets to bring down.
During WWII, there are
almost no examples of
bridges destroyed by
anything else than a
direct hit or demolition
charges. Even the atomic
blasts in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki had amazingly
little effect on
bridges. Considering the
constant shelling over
the past days, the tons
of equipment crossing
the river, and the
enormous weight of
wooden planking added to
the bridge, the force
exerted by the V-2s
crashing in the
bridgehead simply added
to overall stress on the
already weakened bridge.
demolition so
damaged the
upstream truss
that it was
useless. In
the end, it
was too much
for one
truss to
The following
day, even though he could
have only assumed the rocket
attacks had been the
catalyst, Hitler sent his
personal congratulations to
the crews at Hellendoorn for
the destruction of the
Ludendorff Bridge. The
firing crews boasted of
their accomplishment to
Dutch civilians the next
day. However, by that time
two ponton bridges had
already been constructed by
the American engineers—one
700 meters downstream
previously mentioned, and
the other between Kripp and
Linz. On March 16 the ponton
bridge between Rolandseck
and Honnef became
below: Twisted
remains of the
bridge after
collapse. (CLICK
Hitler turned
his wrath on
anyone deemed
to be
for allowing
the Ludendorff
Bridge to be
captured by
the Americans.
Hitler sacked
Gerd von
commander in
chief in the
replacing him
with Field
Marshal Albert
Kesselring. A
hurried Nazi
chaired by Lt.
Rudolph Hübner
found five
guilty of
cowardice and
dereliction of
duty and
sentenced them
to death. Four
of these, Maj.
Scheller, Lt.
Karl Heinz
Peters, Maj.
Strobel, and
Maj. August
Kraft, faced
the firing
squad on the
day of their
sentencing in
the Westerwald
(two in
Rimbach, two
in Oberirsen).
A sixth
officer, Capt.
exonerated, as
the court
found that he
had done
within his
powers to
destroy the
bridge, not
that it
mattered as he
had been
captured by
the Americans.
pension rights
were revoked,
but then they
after the
defeat of Nazi
Germany. The
fifth officer,
Bratge, was
convicted and
sentenced in
since he had
been captured
by the US Army
by that time.
For their part
in the battle,
Timmermann and
DeLisio, along
with 13
received the
Service Cross.
The Silver
Star was
earned by 152
soldiers. All
units that
Combat Command
B of the 9th
Citations. US
later said the
names of the
brave men
in the battle
to Remagen
should be in a
place in the
niche of fame
at the seat of
the American
A large sign was
placed on one of the stone
towers of the Ludendorff
Bridge (see photos below) by
C Co, 9th Armored Engineer
Battalion, marked "CROSS THE
OF 9TH ARM'D DIV". The sign
is now on display at the
George Patton Museum of
Cavalry and Armor, at Fort
Knox, Kentucky.
Sources and References:
Whitlock, Flint.
"Remagen: The Allies' Bridge to
Victory." World War II Magazine.
Vol. 9, No. 6 (1995): pp. 43-49; pp.
Rawson, Andrew.
Rhine Crossing: The Bridge at
Remagen, WW2 Battleground. Barnsley,
United Kingdom: Pen & Sword
Books Ltd, 2003
Hechler, Ken. The
Bridge at Remagen: The Amazing Story
of March 7, 1945—The Day the Rhine
River was Crossed. New
York: Ballantine
Books, Presidio Press, 1957, 1985
Wolfgang. March 7, 1945: The Miracle
of Remagen. Aachen: Helios Verlags-
und Buchvertriebsgesellschaft, 2008
Phillips, Henry
Gerard. "Remagen: Springboard to
Victory." Penn Valley: H. G.
Phillips, 1995
London, National
Archives, Public Record Office,
WO.291/287, RAF Type 9 Mark V Radar
Tracking, 1945
Center of Military
History Washington D.C. "US Army in
World War II, The Technical
Services, Corps of Engineers: The
War Against Germany,"
Unit Journal of
Events 413th AAA Gun Bat (M)
London, National
Archives, Public Record Office, WO
War Diary SS Werfer
Battery 500
MacDonald, The Last
Offensive, p 228, quoting SHAEF Air
Defense Division, Summary of
Casualties and Damage from V-Weapon
Attack, Report for the Week Ending
March 19, 1945.
History of the
284th Engineering Combat Battalion,
February-March-May 1945, and the
1159 Engineering Combat Group, June
26 to August 20, 1945.
WWII Veteran John
Morgado, Army Combat Engineer; Mar
15th, 2011. Friends & Neighbors
below: Some of the unconventional
German weaponry thrown
into action against American bridgehead at
Remagen. (CLICK ON
Arado Ar-234 jet-bomber
Arado Ar-234
Messerschmitt Me-262 jet
Karl Mörser 54cm
s-p gun
Karl Mörser 54cm
following capture by 1st
V-2 rockets launched from
Timeline V-2 attacks on Remagen March 17, 1945
Mar. 17, (09.48
hours) - Batt. SS
Abt. 500, Hellendoorn, Site
412 (Eelerberg - second period), V-2 rocket
fired, Target Remagen. Disintegrated in the
air near Kasbach. Parts from the rocket
turbine penetrated the roof of a house;
other parts fell on Erpeler Ley and on a
farm 800m from the Ludendorff Rail Bridge
injuring 18 farm animals. Warhead impacted
300m from the bridge, shaking it very
strongly. Three American soldiers killed.
(Detlev Paul, Wolfgang Gückelhorn)
Mar. 17, (10.29 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted approximately 8km WNW of the
bridge, south of Birresdorf. Impacted
approximately 8km ENE of
bridge. Map Reference
F-579211. (John
Mar. 17, (12.16 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted in the western district of Remagen.
The command post for Company B of the 284th
Engineer Combat Battalion was hit, killing
three soldiers and injuring thirty-one
others. Map Reference
(Mikel Shilling, Detlev Paul, Wolfgang
Mar. 17, (15.15 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted approximately 7km WNW of the
bridge, 300m from the parish church of
Nierendorf which suffered widespread damage
to windows. (Detlev
Paul, Wolfgang Gückelhorn)
Mar. 17, (15.43 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted in Odingen, approximately 7km NW of
the bridge, destroying several houses. Six
people died and many others including
American soldiers were wounded. Apollinaris
Church Archives. Map
(within 5km of
F-6022) MR: WF
(Detlev Paul,
17, (17.49 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted approximately 6km WNW of the
bridge, around 1.5km NE of Nierendorf. (John
Mar. 17, (18.15 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Exploded in the air south-west of
Heimersheim. (Detlev Paul, Wolfgang
Mar. 17, (18.29 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Disintegrated in the air NNW of Strodt,
approximately 9km NE of the bridge and in
German-held territory. (Detlev Paul,
Wolfgang Gückelhorn)
Mar. 17, (20.20 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted some 40km short of its target in
Staatsforst Konigsforst, east of Koln. (John
Mar. 17, (20.55 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted approximately 4km WSW of the
bridge, near Kirchdaun. (John Pridige)
Mar. 17, (21.45 hours) - Batt. SS Abt. 500,
Hellendoorn, Site 412 (Eelerberg - second
period), V-2 rocket fired, Target Remagen.
Impacted approximately 9km WNW of the
bridge. (John Pridige)
strike on B Company 284th Engineer Combat
Battalion CP
284th Combat Engineers Battalion,
1159th Group, 3rd Corps, 3rd US Army 284th
Engineer Combat Battalion
Caught up in
the race to the Rhine was one American
engineer battalion that would become
embroiled in V-2 rocket lore on March 17,
1945. The 284th Combat Engineers Battalion
had been in England since November of 1944
completing their training on bridge, road
repair, and construction. In early January
1945 the battalion left Camp Delemere Park
in England and arrived at Camp Twenty
Grand, located approximately forty miles
east of Le Havre. This camp consisted of
thousands of six-man pyramidal tents set
up as a staging area, where, newly arrived
GIs would be assigned their duties in the
ETO. On January 25, 1945, the battalion
traveled to Moutfort in Luxembourg for
infantry training.
the 284th was part of the 3rd US Army, in
Luxembourg the battalion was transferred
to 1st Army's front line near the Hürtgen
Forest, which was then resting on the
flooded Röer River. From February 4-15 the
battalion occupied defensive positions
along Moselle near Remich (used as
infantry by 2nd Cavalry) and then later,
positions along Our River guarding Skyline
Drive near Kocherey (used as infantry by
6th Armored Division). Once the waters of
the flooded Röer River subsided, the
Lumberjack offensive was launched.
On February 26, 1945, 284th Company C
built a Bailey bridge at Kreuzau,
under artillery and small arms fire, that
put the 9th Armored Division (Combat
Command B) rolling onto the Rhine Plain.
This was the longest bailey bridge in the
ETO to date. It was 254-foot-long, built
on the remnants of arches from a bridge
that the Germans had demolished. The
Germans had blown the dams in the river
upstream so the engineers had to wait for
the water to recede and they soon
discovered the area littered with mines.
During this drive the 284th was also
assigned as infantry to support
the 9th Armored.
B Company and C Company of
the 284th stuck with the 9th Armored all
the way into Remagen. The recon portion of
284th had been with CCB the afternoon
before they reached the Rhine and took the
Two jeep loads of 284th headquarters
officers crossed the bridge late in the
morning on March 8 to examine its
condition, considering the blasts it had
suffered. Sometime after March 8 the 284th
engineers took up positions on
Apollinarisberg (road) overlooking the
Rhine River on the west bank. The 284th
was billeted in the houses next to the
ancient Apollinaris Church.
Photos below show the Bailey bridge
constructed by C Company 284th Engineer
Combat Battalion over the Röer River. (CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO ENLARGE)
Apollinaris Church Remagen
on a hill over-looking the Rhine
River on the west bank was the
centuries-old church,
Apollinariskirche. Built on the
site of a former Roman temple, the
great spires of the church were
visible for miles. The hill above
the town of Remagen was known as
the Martinsberg in the 5th and 6th
centuries, presumably after a
Frankish chapel there dedicated to
Saint Martin, patron of the
In the 9th century
this chapel was replaced by a
Romanesque church. In 1110 the
Benedictines of the Michaelsberg
Abbey, on the initiative of the
people of Remagen, set up a
provost there. The relics of Saint
Apollinaris of Ravenna probably
arrived on the mountain at the end
of the 14th century, since a
pilgrimage to the Apollinarisberg
is recorded in 1384. The
sarcophagus is the main relic in
the 14th century crypt of the
church. A new Neo-Gothic church
was built on the site from 1837 to
1852. Relics of St Apollinaris
were brought to this city in the
12th century. In 1383 all of these
relics, except the skull, were
stolen by Duke Wilhelm I and
brought to Düsseldorf, Germany.
The skull was kept for the next
few centuries in several different
locations including for a time in
Düsseldorf; however, in 1857 it
was returned to Remagen where it
remains to this day. It rests
within a magnificent reliquary
bust placed within a large
sarcophagus in the crypt of this
church. Twice a year this bust is
removed for the blessing of
The old church, with
its four spires rising high into
the air over Remagen, was an
obvious landmark for the flood
American troops funneling towards
the bridge. The engineers of the
284th were billeted in the houses
below the church. There, they
would maintain the roads leading down
into Remagen for the thousands
of troops and vehicles heading
for the Rhine crossing.
Period photos showing Apollinariskirche. (CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO
Click here
to view a modern panoramic 360-degree
image of the Rhine River as seen from
Apollinaris Church.
This is the same vantage
point as the men from 284th
Combat Engineers Battalion had in
B and C
Company Command Posts of the
284th Engineer Combat Battalion
were situated on the Martinsberg
Hill just NW of the town. This
was the "Rhine Wine" vineyard,
lower slope, not yet in bloom
because it was early March. The 284th's
location was not inside the town
of Remagen proper, but just
outside, above
the railway line on the west
bank next to the church.
B Company set up
their Command post in a building
at Apollinarisberg No. 7,
situated directly across from
the church. The building had
long been an old inn named
"Gasthaus zum St. Josef A.
Schlich." The guest house served
as a meeting point over the
years for the faithful making
pilgrimages to Apollinaris
Church. The
building was multi-storied, and
as most houses of that period,
it had a basement. C Company's
command post was located at the
east end of Apollinarisberg,
near the curve of the road
Birresdorfer Strasse. The
building was next to a large
vineyard, that was below the
church, on one of the last hills
before the river bank. The 3rd
Platoon of C Company
was staying in a
house further down Birresdorfer
Strasse. This
was called a
of "mystery" as
there were supposed
to be caves that
stored military
secrets, in the
cellar or the
grounds nearby. A
certain Lt. Col.
Holtz, an SS
Trooper, had
formerly occupied
the house.
the capture of the
Ludendorff Bridge on
March 7, the men of
the 284th had been
busy maintaining the
roads on the west
bank of Remagen for
the thousands of
vehicles moving
towards the Rhine
crossing. They had
been subject to
artillery attacks
from the Germans and
had witnessed the
desperate Luftwaffe
air attacks in the
days following the
capture of the
the morning on March 17, 1945, the
Germans fired even larger shells than
the usual 88mm. Several rounds of
giant 60cm projectiles from a
tank-mounted piece called the Karl
Mörser (howitzer) landed in Remagen.
From their
positions higher up by the church, the
soldiers of the 284th had a clear view
of the river, the bridge, and the town
of Remagen. They could see the
engineers of the 51st and 291st Combat
Engineer Battalions below and had
watched the construction of the ponton
bridges across the river. The German
artillery could be seen landing near
the bridge and in Remagen. Later that
afternoon, the men of the 284th
Combat Engineers Battalion would soon
meet the largest piece of German
Pre-war photos. View from Apollinaris
Church of
Rhine River, Ludendorff Bridge, and
town of Remagen. (CLICK
MacNeil Jr., Headquarters and
Service Company of the 284th,
wrote about the V-2 strikes of
March 17, 1945, near the river. He
explained; on that morning he was
in a jeep with Lt. Hochberger on
the hill up by Apollinaris. They
were looking out towards the river
at all the activity near the
bridge. One of the men snapped the
photo on the left.
At 9:54 AM, the first
V-2 strike came down on the
Erpeler Ley hillside on the east
bank. The two men watched it bring
up quite a bit (soil) of the hill,
like an expansion of earth. They
then drove down into Remagen,
crossed the ponton bridge, and
climbed the hill to observe the
damage. They found the rocket
motor in an upright position with
reddish liquid (alcohol) dripping
from it. The two men looked it
over, but soon MP's, who came
quickly, seemingly from nowhere,
closed off the area.
MacNeil and
Hochberger returned to their jeep
and crossed back to the west bank.
They drove back up near
Apollinaris church to finish some
battalion business, and when
completed, they drove further down
the river and west to Arwheiler.
It was only minutes after they
left the area, B Company CP was
hit by another V-2.
what MacNeil witnessed was a V-2
"air-burst," which is, an explosion of
the fuel tanks just before impact. This
would have scattered the rocket parts
over a wide area (assuming the rocket
was at a sufficiently high altitude) and
would have allowed the warhead to impact
in a conventional manner as it did.
Parts from this rocket were found all
over the area near the bridge and
The V-2 that hit 284th
Combat Engineers Battalion
B Company Command Post
came down around 12:20 PM.
Some of the men were
gathering at this location
for lunch. 1st Lt. John
Ripandelli was a Staff
Officer with S2 section of
the 284th. He was a
Reconnaissance Officer
(with his own jeep) and
saw a lot of the
bridgehead area as he
traveled ahead of the
battalion. Ripandelli had
been invited by Captain
Henry, if ever on a recon
in the area, to drop in
for lunch some day. When
Ripandelli arrived the
Captain said lunch wasn't
quite ready. He suggested
that Ripandelli should
take a hike up the hill to
see a famous old Church
while waiting. Just as
"Rip" had just reached the
top of the hill, the V-2
struck farther down, right
on the command post while
lunch was being prepared.
remembered, "I
saw a very faint, almost
unnoticeable, fast-moving
contrail as it came in. I
had just reached the top
of the hill to visit the
lone church up there and
had turned to catch
my breath and looked over
my shoulder at the Rhine
far below when I saw this
movement in the air. It
lasted only a second
before the area of the
command post farther down
the slope went up in a
cloud of smoke, thrown up
soil and building debris.
Then, I simply don't
recall a damn thing."
At the moment
of impact the "Gasthaus"
at Apollinarisberg No. 7
collapsed upon itself. The
occupants on the first
floor were thrown down in
the basement. This V-2
strike also destroyed
several other buildings
near the church and caused
collateral damage to
buildings within 1,000
meters. The impact shook
every structure in the
city. The heavy rocket
motor combustion chamber
bounded 300 feet eastward
and crashed into a shed
near the cottages where C
Company was billeted. A
soldier was in the shed
reading at the time, but
was not injured.
284th soldier Elliot Rose
was a member of B Company.
On the morning of March
17, Rose was stationed in
the back of a truck while
manning a .50 caliber
machine gun in the
courtyard of the
Apollinaris church.
Looking out at the Rhine
from this vantage point
Rose remembered a sudden
flash. At the moment of
impact on the B Company CP
he was knocked from his
feet. Rose, who was a few
hundred yards away from
the impact, said the blast
left him stunned and
unable to speak for
several hours. He and the
others from his unit went
through the motions of
cleaning up while dazed.
He remembers the shock
wave was so tremendous,
every house in Remagen
shook and took damage.
Rose commented, saying in
his opinion, the
thunderous V-2 impacts
that morning were
responsible for the
Ludendorff collapse a few
hours later.
Many of the
men from the 284th were
not altogether unfamiliar
with V-bomb strikes.
Before disembarking to ETO
many had experienced the
sounds of V-2s hitting
London. However, this was
different—these were their
buddies. Members of first
and second platoon of C
Company, who were billeted
several houses down to the
east, near the curve of
the road, immediately came
to the aid of their B
Company brethren. Soon
help was arriving from
various units and heavy
lifting equipment was
brought in to remove the
is from
Apollinarisberg 1935:
Located on
Apollinarisberg No. 7,
parallel to the road
Birresdorfer Strasse,
stood the old inn
named "Gasthaus zum
St. Josef A. Schlich."
It was a meeting place
for the faithful,
especially during the
St. Apollinaris
pilgrimages. B Company
US 284th Engineer
Combat Battalion was
billeted here when a
V-2 strike destroyed
the building on March
17, 1945.
Eight men were
inside the
building when
the V-2 struck
and others
were milling
around outside
before lunch
was served.
Two of the men
recovered from
the debris
were dead,
another died
en-route to a
Killed in the
blast were 2d
Lt. Sass, Sgt.
Gardner, and
Pfc. Spinos;
31 other men
were seriously
of which was
Captain Henry,
B Company
hurt, Captain
Henry was able
to dig himself
out from the
building and
direct the
efforts to
find the
others. Henry
was replaced
by 1st Lt.
Finger. The
three men
killed were
laid to rest
in the garden
of a home up
the street to
the west on
The following day a special group of British
teams came to
the impact
site and asked
questions and
took many
Lt. Charles
commander of B
Company 284th
later recalled
the incident
in a letter of
thanks to the
men of C
Company; "I
want to thank
you for the
given to
Company B, on
17 March 1945,
at Remagen,
Germany. The
unselfish, and
action of you
and your
comrades in
Company C, who
came over
following the
V-2 hit on our
CP to
first aid and
help extract
the dead and
wounded from
the debris,
This unselfish
action brings
credit upon
yourselves and
maintains the
tradition of
the Corps of
There was also
damage to the
Church. The
roofs and
glazing were
which caused
more damage in
the coming
months to the
art frescoes
and interior
Repairs could
not be carried
out until
First Army broke
out of the bridgehead and 284th Engineer
Combat Battalion, attached to an armored
division as supporting infantry, headed
north to meet up with the 9th US Army
coming south to close the so called "Rhur
Pocket." The 1st Army and 9th Army met
outside Paderborn on April 1. When the
operation was over they had captured
around 350,000 German prisoners. On May 1,
1945, they laid Bailey bridges across
the Isar and Altmul rivers and
assisted with liberating various
forced labor camps.
22 MARCH 1945
SUBJECT: Report on V-2.
TO: First Army, APO 230
Attn: PAD section.
At 12:25
hrs, 17 March 1945, a German
V-2 rocket struck the Company
CP of Hillvale Baker, at
Remagen, Germany. Thirty-five
persons were injured and three
There were five officers and
ten EM billeted in the CP
building. Eight persons were
in the building at the time of
the explosion.
The second building east was
the quarters of the First
Platoon, two squads of which
were present. As the smoke and
dust cleared, it revealed
members of the First Platoon
evacuating or being evacuated
from their building. The
junction of the main road and
Church Drive was designated as
the point for all casualties
to gather. A pair of 2.5-ton
dump trucks were summoned to
the point to remove the
A jeep was sent to Charlie
Company to get aid men. At
approximately 12:35 one
ambulance, a medical officer,
and three aid men arrived from
1111 Engineer (C) Group.
They immediately began giving
first aid.
The explosion had brought many
soldiers to the scene. They
were informed that
approximately six men were in
the fallen building, and were
immediately put to work
removing the debris to get to
the men inside. Just as they
started, the Company
Commander, Capt. Thomas C.
Henry climbed out. He had dug
himself out. He said there
were several men inside and
encouraged the men to dig
A winch from a 2.5-ton dump
truck was used to raise a
large piece of the building so
they could get beneath it to
the men inside.
By this time all the men had
been evacuated from the First
Platoon building, given first
aid, tagged and were either on
the first 6x6 or in the
ambulance. They were escorted
to the 102d Evacuation
Hospital by an MP officer on a
motorcycle. This group of men
included the first man removed
from the building.
The next person removed from
the debris was the 1st
Sergeant and he was taken to
the 9th Armoured Aid Station
in Remagen on the jeep of one
of the Company Platoon
Commanders. This Officer upon
his return brought two
ambulances from the aid
As soon as first aid had been
given to all the casualties,
the medical officer from Group
went up to the church to an AA
gun position and injected
members of that gun crew. He
was then escorted to the
quarters of zone AA members
that were west of and across
the road from the explosion.
Six members of Baker Company
were in that building and had
been given first aid. They
were all well taken care of,
covered tagged and ready to be
evacuated. An ambulance was
summoned to that building and
they were evacuated to the 102
Evacuation Hospital.
The Group medical officer then
returned to the scene and was
ready to give immediate first
aid as the men were pulled
from the wreckage. A major of
the medical Corps was present
and up to this time had been
caring for the men as they
were taken from the wreckage.
At approximately 15:30 hrs the
eighth and final person
removed was Lt. Louis F. Saas,
Jr., First Platoon Commander.
The Company Commander dug
himself out. Seven were dug
out. Two were dead, four
injured and one died from head
wound in route to the
hospital. Six of the wounded
returned to duty that evening.
During the operation a
bulldozer was brought up, but
was not used since we didn't
know the exact location of the
bodies beneath the debris.
This incident has been the
topic of conversation since,
and I feel that under the
circumstances, the control and
caring for the wounded was
exceptionally good.
1st Lt. CE
Commanding Co. B
Men of B Company 284th Combat Engineer
Above: This photo shows the
view behind the house of C
Company 2nd Platoon, looking
toward the Rhine River.
Captain Henry G. Heubach (C
Company Commander) is
photographed kneeling by the
remains of the heavy V-2
high-speed gas-turbine pumps.
When it came to
rest, part of the pump was
covered with ice and another
part was red hot. The
turbopumps forced 128 pounds
of alcohol and 159 pounds of
liquid-oxygen into the V-2's
combustion chamber every
Above: This is the V-2
combustion chamber. After
striking near CP of B Company,
this piece bounded about 50
yards into the rear of the
house occupied by C Company,
2nd Platoon. It knocked out
this wall of a shed beside the
house and ended up in this
C Company 284th
Combat Engineer's Tech 5
Electrician Clarence Bachand
(squatting) examines V-2
combustion chamber. C Company
2nd Platoon, 2nd Squad Leader,
Vernon Lindholm (standing)
examines aluminum tube and
After the rocket hit the B
Company house, members of C
Company came to dig out the
victims of the V-2.
Above: Another
member of the 284th poses for a
photo with the remains of the
V-2 turbo pump.
Above: Another view of the
destruction of B Company CP.
Notice the crater just behind
the house on slope of hill.
Above: St. Josef Guesthaus
destruction as seen from the
hill and crater behind the
Below: Photos
from 284th archives and the
area near the V-2 strike.
Thanks to Mikel Shilling.
Photos below: Contemporary photos of
Apollinaris Church and the houses on
Apollinarisberg. Today the "re-built"
house, or
"the house with black tiles,"
Apollinarisberg No. 7, is known as the
place where the V-2 came down. (CLICK
Photos below: Remains
of Ludendorff Bridge as photographed in 2002 (CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO ENLARGE)
"The Big Picture" (US Army) from late 1950s aired
this comprehensive film with the best footage and
interviews from the
veterans who were there in Remagen in 1945. Below
is this film in two parts. Click in lower right
corner of each clip to view full-screen.